By nyatzz - 16/11/2011 06:32 - United States

Today, my landlady cut off the Internet to my flat. She says she has no use for it, and doesn't want to keep it anymore. I have 3 online assignments due in the next week, and finals the following week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 253
You deserved it 2 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

melissaxo3 1

That sucks but call the provider and put the Internet service in your name. They'll come out the same day or the next day and set up your service. Problem solved.


melissaxo3 1
ellybelly_502 4

Agreed. I wouldn't pay rent until she turned it back on.

m0tl3ycru3 0

Just go to the library and use their computers OP

And while your at the library, get on FML to see yours posted! Congrats! You have no Internet, but you're slightly famous on FML.

FYL indeed OP. Explain to your landlady you are paying to live and use the flat.

Dude, the internet is not included in your rent. Quit being a freeloader, like, my damn tanets, and get your own internet!!

jessesgirl14 16

Unless it is in the contract that she provides you Internet service then get the service yourself. I find that you are slightly presumptuous to think she must pay for a service she, herself, does not use. (again- unless it is written in the contract as part of your lease. And if it is- then she is under legal obligation to keep providing the service)

EPIC FAIL YET OP IS ON INTERNET POSTING THIS COMMET note: hell yea caps is good for unleashing ultimate rage!!!

Who has finals in the middle of the year? You Might want to check of your school is legal or not...

davidisbeast 12

Tell that bitch to turn the Internet back on ! After all , you're the one paying to live there!

Yeah she's paying to live there... However Internet is a privilege not a right... If this was the heat in the cold winter then maybe you would have a point...

Your landlord can't legally do that with out a 1week notice It falls under the protection of living amenities

That sounds like a good way to get a 30 day notice to get **** out!

That sucks but call the provider and put the Internet service in your name. They'll come out the same day or the next day and set up your service. Problem solved.

That sucks so much, hope u have a town library with free Internet

melissaxo3 1

I'm sorry that happened OP. there's always the library though...

Badab1ng 5

Be honest, you're mad because your subscription to mr. skin is expiring, and you don't want it to auto renew. But it's going to, and you can't stop it.

fmyl760 0

Same problem here. **** our lives.

every1luvsboners 11

Go to the gas station and buy some of this Internet stuff, they sell it by the liter. Buy 3 liters, it'll last you at least 2 weeks.

Now you'll have to resort to magazines for your... "Adult entertainment"