By halloweed - 16/11/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend when he suddenly pulls out and says, "Pull my penis." So I pulled his penis and he farted. Then he started doing it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 425
You deserved it 7 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CalCommando 6

Should've gone pull my **** and then qweefed.


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Should've gone pull my **** and then qweefed.

I don't see why he needed OP to pull his penis, I pull my own all the time.

Imagine how sad would ot be to yell pull my penis alone in your house, then pull it yourself, fart and last but not least giggle like a maniac.

What's with the first 7? (not sure) comments thumbed down

Why is everything thumbed down??? Holy crap it's a conspiracy!!!

40: Therein lies the reason why you'll be forever alone!

1- I thumbed you down just because of your usersname and profile picture.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Why is almost every comment marked as spam?

ImFrackinBored 13

*fap fap fap fap fap* ...oh... Just me and Panic_Moon then? *zips pants back up, slightly embarsssed*

RedPillSucks 31

*realizes pants are on backwards and zipper is in the back*


I would have hit the Dutch oven on you.

Hope he hasn't had beans recently...

If you don't understand then your probably too young to be reading this

36- according to yours and 5's profile, #5 is older than you. It says he's 16, and yours says that you are 13. So, I wouldn't say that he was too young to be reading this, I think you are. He is older than you..

zstarlin100 0

Yea cuz people never lie about their age online...couldnt possibly happen..right?

36's profile says she's 20 to me O_o Odd. Either changed it, or 36 isn't human.

13FTW 9

86, #36 is not human she's.... *puts on sunglasses* Stoooopiiid. YEAAAAAAAH

But seriously, she deserves that for randomly agreeing to pull his dick in the first place!

SystemofaBlink41 27

111- that comment has so much fail on it, it's sad

yea u might wanna fix ur age cuz it just looks retarded. way to go... u just made an idiot out of urself

UrLyfSuxx 0

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Buttsexpirate 9

That's ****** magic! He's definitely a keeper OP.

Buttsexpirate 9

Jeez I love how like the first 20 comments are just all rated down. It must be a conspiracy!

There is no ******* and there is no magic...I don't see your point.

Conspiracy? No. Tons of lame unoriginal comments? Yes.

mama8809 0

That's just nasty hope you stoped

CalCommando 6
The_Troller 14

It took 9 comments before anyone could make a good one? That's just disappointing, but congrats on being the first...

What the **** is with all these buried comments? It's like people read shakespeare and left the forum looking like the end of MacBeth. (reference)

grmnxsensati0n 4

seriously what i with all these comments...

Buttsexpirate 9

You sir are the one exception and I bow my cheeks to you.

Notime4bull 4

9 can definitely entertain a kid at any age (reference)

CalCommando 6

Wow... i must be amazing or something. Or they all suck eggs. Probaby both. xD

Vball6 19

Way to kill the chain of buried comments. :)

It's like an ocean of negative comments

Epic battles of history!!! Dr. Suess!!! vs.!!! William Shakesphere!!!! BEGIN!!!!!