By pistonchamp159 - 28/08/2009 07:51 - United States

Today, my husband woke me up at 3 AM by putting whipped cream on my hand and tickling my nose with a feather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 713
You deserved it 9 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHA!! He is my hero! If you don't want him, I'll take him!! :D

iDemonChild 0

Lol. Whipped cream and tickling your nose... Classic. =D


live1laugh2love3 0 mom woke me up by plucking my eyebrows lol

hahaha! that is cool! i will try that some day..

Amortifiedperson 0

Oh how weird! My brother's friend and I did this to my bro the exact same day this was posted! He wasn't to happy about it either... He's lucky we didn't use the "hand-in-the-warm-water" trick to make him pee himself like we were originally going to do. But come to think of it we didn't use whipped cream. Or even shaving cream for that matter. We used my mom's mousse (a foaming hair product in case you may not know) XD

There REALLY needs to be a "Who cares?" rating (i will keep saying it until it is done!)

I would laugh my ass off and get back at him if I were you, OP.