By Allie cat - 02/12/2016 13:43

Today, while in deep sleep, I was suddenly awoken by a tickle on my face and nearly threw my cat off the bed. Apparently, 4 a.m. Is the perfect time to touch noses with your human. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 479
You deserved it 1 579

Same thing different taste

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4am is about the time when your eyelids and other face muscles might twitch from dreaming. Your cat was probably drawn by the movement. Maybe it wanted to check on its favorite human's wellbeing. Or maybe the fur ball was about to viciously attack your twitching nose. With cats, it's a coin toss.

Of course! They gotta make sure you're still alive and so you can feed them in the morning!


Of course! They gotta make sure you're still alive and so you can feed them in the morning!

In the morning? 4 am is prime cat eating time. The food tastes better if they woke up their person for it.

He was checking to see if op was alive, can't say for eating purposes. But my cat would do the same thing only when he felt me breathing he would sit on my face or my other cat start eating my hair. Cats are weird.

Mine just starts my beard for me (apparently my excellent grooming standards aren't high enough for my cat) whenever he decides its breakfast time until I give in and feed him. He will also loudly open and close cupboards, and literally climb my bedroom door if I refuse to move.

4am is about the time when your eyelids and other face muscles might twitch from dreaming. Your cat was probably drawn by the movement. Maybe it wanted to check on its favorite human's wellbeing. Or maybe the fur ball was about to viciously attack your twitching nose. With cats, it's a coin toss.

wier0901 1

For my cat it would be the second option.

He was probably checking to see if op was alive. It was easier for my cats cause I sleep with my mouth open but he was making sure that op had air movement out their nose??

It's never too late/early to boop you on the nose.

Cats are strange, man. My cat likes to sleep with his nose touching mine

Optimal nose bopping is from 2-5 am. Including but not limited to: Nose to nose Paws to nose/face Tail to face "fuzzy swish swish" General cuddle time Welcome to the cat life and this might just be the first time you woke up. It happens alot

Mine rams his head into me almost every night for attention.

FalloutScrolls 25

You lost me at "deep sleep." Dafuq is that!?

My cats have been thrown more than once, and have since learned not to touch my face when I'm asleep. Hilariously, the older one has started tapping on my shoulder to wake me up.

WeirdUS 29

If you react that way maybe owning an animal is not for you.

Seriously? OP didn't know what she was doing because she was *asleep*. She didn't mean to throw her cat off the bed.