By fuck no - 22/08/2015 10:18 - India - Kollam

Today, my husband wanted to use bacon grease as lube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 226
You deserved it 8 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This would be a good time to stop having kitchen sex. Or never start.


Let's just hope he let it cool down first.

I will not put any type of food in my ******. That can cause some gnarly infections. Just tell him to go buy more lube.

I didn't know Indians were that kinky..

Treaton 5

oh merica, you love your bacon xD

Helldemon 32

This just in, India is now apart of America! :P

ShirtlessWonder 17

Well I mean at least if you do, he'll probably be very willing to go down on you.

I laughed more than I should have at this comment!