By pipers - 02/05/2019 10:00 - United States - Northfield

Today, I spent several hundred dollars having our pipes and septic system fixed. Tonight, I watched my husband pour about a half-liter of bacon grease into the sink. Better keep the septic guy on speed dial. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 085
You deserved it 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While you're at it, calmly explain to your husband what he's doing wrong. If he tries to disagree with you, the frying pan used to cook the bacon can also be used to help get your point across, by bashing him in the head with it until he sees sense. Or stars.

As you apparently already know grease is a septic system KILLER. Try and get the septic system people on the phone -- and have THEM explain this to your husband.


While you're at it, calmly explain to your husband what he's doing wrong. If he tries to disagree with you, the frying pan used to cook the bacon can also be used to help get your point across, by bashing him in the head with it until he sees sense. Or stars.

I thought this one looked familiar. How has it taken six months to be posted to the main site?

Hopefully, you can pay the septic guy in bacon, because...mmmm, bacon!

As you apparently already know grease is a septic system KILLER. Try and get the septic system people on the phone -- and have THEM explain this to your husband.

toxicMadame 7

That is not what you do with bacon grease you use it to flavor scrambled eggs

There's a lot of good uses for bacon grease. My brother uses it to make homemade dog treats, and in place of oil for frying.

How the hell do you make enough bacon to have half a liter of grease in a time span soon enough to be able to POUR it down the drain.

who the **** does your husband think he is? pouring down good bacon grease?? you can use it in your cooking for **** sakes!

Lucky O'Guin 18

YDI for being married to the idiot who wastes good bacon grease. How much bacon did he cook to make that much grease anyway? Instead of watching him pour it all, why didn't you stop him when he started?

I'm curious. Did you speak up and tell him not to do that?

randybryant799 20

Or you could tell your idiot husband to stop pouring crap like that down the drain.