By butnotlikethat - 16/03/2013 00:05 - China - Nanchang

Today, my grandma gave me a sex talk. Not the usual one, either. This one was about blowjobs. I had to sit politely as she explained it's something all women have to learn if they want a well-behaved husband, but that it's an "acquired taste". Gag me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 987
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rosemary072098 11

Grandma knows what she's talking about ;)

BubbleGrunge 18

I think she's trying to teach you how NOT to gag.


Rosemary072098 11

Grandma knows what she's talking about ;)

n_epic_fail 14

I would love to gag you.... With my dick. I can feel the thumbs down....

May be disgusting to hear from Grandma, but she's right, OP! Listen to her.

FarFromSocial 9
Llama_Face89 33

I love how it's all women saying this... Brought a tear of joy to my eye...

Everyone learns wisdom from the elderly. And grandma is right. Please tell me the readers caught the pun with OP's user name. That was a cherry on top on this FML post!

asnakelovinbabe 16

Indeed, she does know what she's talking about. Although I wouldn't consider it an acquired taste for everyone... Some of us just REALLY enjoy doing it. For me it is the absolute best turn on there is. I don't think it makes my husband any more "well behaved"... But he sure does know how lucky he is to have a wife that loves to give head. None of my girlfriends feel the same way though so I get shunned at parties when sex comes up as a topic since "BJ's and swallowing are gross". Aside from all of that, grandma does know what she's talking about, but this is something that GRANDMA should probably not talk to GRANDDAUGHTER about. Leave it up to her to discover giving head for herself. Saying that it's an acquired taste will only give her the mindset that its not fun or pleasant but that you'll get used to it. It doesn't have to be that way!

Adding to 81, some of us women love giving them to their man. Especially, if their man makes sure the lady orgasms first, every time. It's kind of our way to say thank you without using words. Plus, the look on the guy's face is priceless!

asnakelovinbabe 16

Adding to what 87 said... Especially if their guy makes them ****** first, second, third, fourth and fifth time before it's all said and done :D

92- and upon first seeing your username I just thought you liked reptiles…

asnakelovinbabe 16

Hey, a gal's allowed to have multiple interests right!?

I wish I could take your paragraph and make it my "about me" section everywhere!! I love giving head too!! And my boyfriend just looses it!! :) Our guys are lucky cause a lot of girls do think it's gross. If he showers frequently he's cut, and enjoys it as much as I do. :D Happy days!! Yay other **** suckers!! :D

#81 is totally right. A bj is the most wonderful gift a guy could receive. And it doesn't cost a thing! She's awesome in my book.

This is valuable knowledge she has learned from experience. Hear her out.

wlddog 14

Aah... Words of wisdom passed down through the ages. Are they secrets of the universe or perhaps locations to buried treasure from years gone by? Nope, none of those useless things. Instead its ******* pointers from grandma. Looks like another generation has passed on its most prized possession. Thanks grandma...

I wonder if the "gag me" at the end was intended to be a pun.

BunchieRules 31

51 - It definitely was, as OP's name is "butnotlikethat."

She must have sucked quite a load of dicks in her day!!

BubbleGrunge 18

I think she's trying to teach you how NOT to gag.

GuessWhatKids 13

Nah that's pretty hot actually.

asnakelovinbabe 16

Don't forget to relax your throat muscles!

I hope you were taking notes. This is very important stuff.

I agree your life sucks seems especially fitting on this one.

3rdbass 9
BunchieRules 31

Let's not start a pun thread on this... it'll be too long.

hooligyn123 18

I agree. Some puns are hard to swallow.

vadaaa 11

74- you just blatantly reused a pun

hooligyn123 18

What the hell is wrong with me? I deserve every thumb down. I here by solemnly swear to step away from FML after a 18 hr work/school day. So ashamed. I'll thumb myself down now and expect no less from any of you!

wlddog 14

Sounds like 109 is ready to.... Be punished.

Lrigglez 7

Please tell me she didnt pull out the light up vibrators and show you how.

TheElBurrrito 21

Sounds like grandma knows how to have a good time. You should take notes.