By Phycheledic - 12/05/2016 10:22 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at the daycare in my area. When this one kid was leaving, he asked his mom, "Why is she so ugly?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 514
You deserved it 1 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would've turned around and stared into that child's eyes, warning him to run

LegitTorture 18

Wait till he reaches his awkward adolescent phase


I would've turned around and stared into that child's eyes, warning him to run

iTzSelverZz 14

Kids are like drunk people, they say what on their mind. So think of him as a drunk person and just simply don't care.

But they are honest. It's hard to ignore honesty.

Well? We're waiting on an answer. If you figure out why you're ugly maybe we can figure out the cure and we can both not be ugly.

Be careful who you call ugly in school....

Yeah, they might grow up and become beautiful but the chance of meeting again anyway is really slim.

LegitTorture 18

Wait till he reaches his awkward adolescent phase

Tell him it's because you are the devil and you like to feed on small children >:)

OnlySkyrimStays 11

Just tell the kid that you're them from the future.

You should have said you were cursed for making fun of ugly people. Scare that kid shitless.

I'm sorry OP, not every human is going to think you're beautiful, and then again, not every human is going to think you're ugly either.