By not-religious - 17/12/2013 09:16 - United States

Today, my grandma came over for the holidays. She tried explaining how Santa is actually Christ reincarnated, giving presents to all the good little Christian boys and girls. She'll be staying all week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 325
You deserved it 5 161

Same thing different taste


She's just being a grandma! Let her be!

*Plot Twist* "Grandma", is her cover name. She actually is working for the CIA. Her real mission is to find out who those Communists are. And send them back to Cuba.

I'm actually quite surprised that she tried to say Santa is Jesus. You would think if anything she would think Santa is satan, being spelled with the same letters, or think Santa is just some form of blasphemy

perdix 29

That's as good a story as any. I still never understood why parents work their asses off to make money, do battle at the mall to get presents, painstakingly wrap them and then give the credit to some unseen, supernatural being.

THANK YOU. I never understood that either. I said this to my mom, when she asked me what I was getting my son from Santa, so she flipped shit and went out and got him even more so he's get something from Santa. He's only one! He won't even know the difference.

I dont even understand why this is an fml. Calm down and enjoy your geandmas company

Yeah yesterday Jesus grabbed the girl's ass and got a ticket

Just as I was about to press "I agree", I saw that the number was at 666. That has to mean something. It just has to.

So does that mean we can start hiring Mall Jesuses now?

Sounds a little less creepy than the real story.

It's true OP. Take it form grandma, don't ignore the truth

If Santa is Jesus ...... Does that mean if your bad instead of getting coal does he set you on fire?

No he'll just send you to a place to be set on fire. Just kidding, you send you send there, Jesus loves you