By John - 19/11/2011 17:50 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By manhood fading away - 25/12/2016 20:24 - United Kingdom - Heckmondwike
By fmlguy - 10/12/2010 03:19
Her revenge
By Anonymous - 25/02/2020 22:00
By hoogimo - 24/11/2010 10:55
By Nickolas Neffster - 05/10/2011 00:14 - United States
By R281780 - 14/02/2016 15:53 - United States - San Jose
By Anonymous - 28/12/2020 20:02 - Australia
By flyakite29 - 20/07/2009 16:36 - United States
By Anon - 26/12/2015 02:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/12/2020 08:01
Top comments
First for once! Winning
a hard *******????
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway1- No???? Also, that makes sense, I suppose... but if she really meant to be supportive, she can do what I do... Give a present only if I recieve one. I tell people not to get me anything, that's probably where she went slightly off with her flawed selfish logic.
Tell her your religion requires gifts to be bought for you :)
OP... what you should get is "over her".
That's weird #29. I've never heard anything saying that I must give Christmas gifts to believe in God. I know a lot of anti-religious people who celebrate christmas.
121, it's not part of my religion to celebrate Christmas... but since I'm forced into returning a gift, I do so. I would rather not get a gift at all, hence me saying that before... I still don't see the selfish part of trying to not celebrate a religion that's not mine....
Don't get her anything. Just break up with her... Calm down guys, I'm kidding.
People who say they don't believe in god but still celebrate Christmas are hypocrites who don't really mean it, sorry to be mean but denying god and expecting gifts on his day of birth is.. Wrong? P.S I'm not religious, I'm just saying :)
164, First of all, the holiday you consider the birth of a mythical prophet is actually a pagan holiday. Secondly, Christmas is more commercial than religious. The bible doesn't say that people should buy expensive electronics made in China. Non Christians can celebrate Christmas. However, that being said, OP's girlfriend has an extreme double standard which is obscene.
164, are you stupid? That was the worst thing that I have ever read; ever.
I wonder if she will get any presents from Santa. Probably not with that attitude.
165, oh, not at all. I guess I will accept gifts and do the immoral thing by keeping it to myself and not returning the nice gesture. That does seem more appealing... But I'll stick with being a good friend. I know the point of Christmas is to give and not get a gift back, but IT AIN'T MUH HOLAYDAY, so I have to return the favor, speaking from my moralistic views, though.
BHay every body lay of 165
Lol get get virgin Mary candles
Religious or not The main reason its to celebrate with ur beloved ones... that how in the old was celebrated....
I'm atheist and i give and recieve presents. It's the season of giving to me, you don't have to be religious.
I'd just give her my leftover halloween candy.
#212 I wouldn't even give her my Halloween leftover candy...
296- no shit, last time I checked Jesus was also considered god/son of ******* god
No need to say that stupid
A hard ******* beating
haha 29 get some real history facts the association between religion and Christmas is vague Jesus wasn't born December 25 cause in his time calendars were different so its technically impossible to determine that the basis was was good will towards ur fellow man and givin to those who need it it just evolved from there and since it was started by a preist named Nicolas clause it got associated with religious beliefs ops bitch of a gf is just a cheap greedy hoe
The Christian Bible says nothing about giving gifts at all. It actually doesn't mention the word Christmas. That's just something that people made to celebrate the birth, and decided that the way people should celebrate is giving gifts to eachother a we received on the day that Christ. Bam.
I love how 229 insults people for not knowing about their own religion when he doesn't know jack shit about christmas either. Christmas was created by the church during the roman empire and put near the winter solstice, because many pagan religions had their own solstice festivals and it was the church's way of making it easy to convert people. christmas did NOT start as a gift giving holiday. That whole thing is secular. Being an atheist is fine, being a retard is not.
Get her a bible :)
I never said that. I just meant that if her excuse is religion, give her some.
Statistically, atheists have a greater knowledge of the Bible than most Christians
Wouldn't she be agnostic?
They were giving out free Bibles near my station yesterday. Maybe you can give her one of those :)
70 - Made me laugh, hope you don't mind but I'm gonna steal that :)
@146- then where does it say Jan 3 is the day he was born. The bible doesnt list a day because his birthday isnt important. Jesus nor the 1st century christians celebrated his birthday while he was alive. Christmas is a pagan holiday that people attached Christ to. The bible does say however specifically at Ecclesiastes 7:1 that the day a man dies is better than the day he was born because he has made a name for himself at death. So celebrating Xmas by saying its christs birthday is just a lie
Nobody cares about Jesus's real birthday dude. It's just an annual celebration that he was born. Nothing more.
157- I totally agree with you! People dont care about his birthday hence Santa Clause being the main attraction. Christmas isnt even truly about Jesus anymore so (my personal opinion) religous aspects should be removed from it completely. Take the star down, call it a "holiday tree" tree, take "christ" out of christmas because linking it to Jesus is pagan (false worship) & really a slap in his face.
Who is Jeaus?
**** all u nonbelievers christmas is to cellebrat Jesus christ even if it's been turned into an idiotic way for compens to milk us for all were worth
you know santa real color was green until the company coca cola got it they made it red y do you always see a coke on santa hand mostly on every comercial
180, Your spelling indicates a lack of intelligence. I wouldn't have expected anything other from some bible fanboy. Have you not stopped to think about why the bible was written? No one knows, but I think it's likely to have been created as a means to control an increasingly immoral society.
70 years ago was 1941. Christmas was on the same day in 1941. Some historians estimate that Jesus was born in February, but even if a birthdate was proven, no one could move a commercial holiday.
While everyone is arguing I'm just going to come out and say this but the bible is a great hitting book. CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!!
Agnostic isn't a religion. Most atheist are agnostic. There are agnostic Christians. You are either agnostic, or gnostic, and then a religious belief. Like a Christian that says they know they are right is a gnostic Christian. A person who believes we can't prove there is a god, but believes in christianity anyway is an agnostic Christian. Same for any religion or atheism.
If you're an athiest, then, by definition, you're not agnostic. Some may be agnostic and incorrectly identify themselves as 'atheist', but saying "most atheists are agnostic" is false. Atheism is a lack of belief in a god or deities; agnosticism is "I need to see significant proof one way or the other before I make up my mind"
Statistically, 158. One of them was on that website the pew something website, showing that atheists and agnostics knew more about religions than those who subscribed to a religion. This makes sense because many people who become atheist would likely investigate other religions for answers before concluding god(s) doesn't exist. But you're fairly young, so most "atheists" you met are probably doing it because it's "cool."
You sir are a genius! Perfect idea. Give a bible to the non-religious person who insists on being a selfish bitch for Christmas. Awesome. Ignore all the idiots who don't understand the concepts of "humor" and "irony".
257, it's on the pew forum website. I don't know the page offhand, as it was last year, but if you want to see, I'm sure a google search will land you in the right spot.
anybody who believes that atheist know more about the bible is completely stupid. Even if statistics say it, sometimes they are just made up. maybe the atheist knows more because he was once a Christian. And why are we even discussing this on FML. Smh ppl go ahead and dislike this but it's truth.... just like Jesus and the Bible. want proof, go look it up
Get her a breakup gift
The traditional Atheist breakup gift is a swift boot up the backside, out of the front door.
Or a science textbook?!
Give her a donation in her name to "The Human Fund"
179 - or maybe even a brain
That makes absolutely no sense!! You better not give her anything or you'll be the idiot.
And besides, christmas isn't about gifts. It's about celebrating and spending time with loved ones
I think she's already dumb enough, 49, if she thinks that will work.
Considering what fails here sometimes are posted with just plain horrible family members you can't actually believe she might not have a reason for wanting them away from her.
And some people have family members whoarejust plain horrible,don't understand how can't get that,considering what fails are sometimes posted here.
I grant u your beliefs but Christmas is still about crist
Haha I'm the 69th like
136 - Santa actually originates from Pagan traditions. kinda weird.
And going by her logic, since she's not religious, she shouldn't be *getting* any presents either.
Shit, forgot that was in the original post... :

Get her a bible :)
a hard *******????