Friendly advice

By babydoc - 03/07/2020 23:00

Today, I visited a friend and her new baby. The baby had a tight constrictive headband and a clearly wet cloth nappy on. I tried to give some friendly advice on why this was bad, but she shot me down, saying what would I know, I don't have a kid. She's 17 and I'm a 26-year-old practicing midwife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 868
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you friends with a 17-year-old teen mom?

Maybe contact her guardian or someone close to her. If that doesn't work, reporting to child protective services might be the answer as harsh as that sounds. Newborns are so vulnerable and these early days are what sets the child up for success. This infant wont succeed if it's dead.


Why are you friends with a 17-year-old teen mom?

Family friend maybe? Why do you care?

Because I care about all humanity. Can't you tell that by my comments?

Maybe contact her guardian or someone close to her. If that doesn't work, reporting to child protective services might be the answer as harsh as that sounds. Newborns are so vulnerable and these early days are what sets the child up for success. This infant wont succeed if it's dead.

tounces7 27

Does she care about the baby at all, or does she just use it as a prop to take selfies with?

Typical teenage mom... thinks she knows everything when she more than likely wound up pregnant by being unprepared/irresponsible. And our taxes are going to support her and that kid. Hooray for USA...

Frankly I'd go change the diaper and try to loosen the headband a little bit. Explain to her that I'm a midwife and maybe you ought to listen to my advice since you are a young mother... I feel bad for that little baby.