By B-Rizzle - 20/12/2009 13:40 - United States

Today, my grandparents thought it would be acceptable to give me and my wife Christmas presents to take to my ex-wife, along with a card saying how much they missed her and to get in touch with them next time she is in town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 038
You deserved it 3 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My current wife is very sweet and nice and the ex is terrible to me and my family, but they still won't let her go for some reason. I have tried talking to them but they refuse to listen to me or believe what I say. And to answer #9 the card was not in an envelope.

jikanganai 0

Nobody is saying the OP expects his family to hate his ex-wife. If they want to keep in touch with her, that's their prerogative, but they need to do it on their own. To communicate to the OP's ex-wife through him and his current wife is just plain rude unless the three are on good terms.


well if his grandparents thought it was ok for him and his wife to give his ex gifts, she clearly must be better. therefore his wife sucks.... thats horrible :(

Not really, it could be the ex's craziness that they can identify with. I think that's a more likely case as this isn't appropriate at all.

bridgette5866 0

Nah, it just means they liked her. Chill.

I don't know what would be a worse comment, what 1 actually posted or if they had posted first.

Your life is truly ******. Time to talk to your parents and make them aware of your current wife's position in the family.

thinmint 0

no big deal. my mom and step mom are very corgial and friendly. a divorce doesn't have to be nasty and dramatic.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

You can always tell who has no friends and will end up being an obese 50 year old virgin by who corrects insignificant spelling mistakes on a website where it doesn't even matter...

How do you know what the card said? Did you open it ? So rude. Be an adult.

To be honest, I don't see why this would be considered a FML. So what, your family likes your ex wife. I don't see anything with that what-so-ever. I have a few of my brothers' ex, much better then the new ones. I don't see anything wrong with this. Ever think that perhaps your new wife is a real bitch, with an ignorant personality? Maybe that's why your family misses the ex. Can't say that I blame them. 98% of all women in this world are ignorant bitches, anyways.

Quest_ 13

I agreed with everything you said up to the last line. It's not somehow acceptable to be misogynistic just because you're female.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Cheekers you look like a female Billy Mays

expen_dable 0

it looks like you ate 98% of the women in this world

I think it should read 98% of women in America or the Western world. The rest are okay.

I sure the hell did. They were delicious too. 'Cept, they did manage to give me a lil' gas.

******' site, tryin' to edit my message, and I took too long. Anyways. For starters, #15. It's just because I'm a female. So get over yourself. 'Cause it's true. Ever see a woman that doesn't act like an ignorant bitch? Aha, maybe one in a million. #27. Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind words. You're awesome!! #28. I sure the hell did. They were delicious too. 'Cept, they did manage to give me a lil' gas. Guess I should of cut back from 98, to about 75. But oh well, I just can't resist but to eat when I'm hungry. Wouldn't wanna starve myself. =] #30, I have to agree with you! Their comments were ******' hilarious. Made me laugh my ass off so hard!

Hey, fatty. You're a dumb ****. But I'm impressed by how you've met all of the women in the world. That's a hell of an accomplishment. You must be Mrs. Claus. I see obesity is a shared thing in your family. Now please get run over by a reindeer.

Cheekers, people like you should be put down. Slowly and painfully.

#44. Nope, far from dumb, like half the idiots that are on here. But thanks. It is one hell of an accomplishment. Hm, Mrs Claus? I think that would be very exciting. Especially to see half the f'tards not get Christmas, for their stupidity. #48. Anyways. I probably will be put down slowly, and painfully. That is the best way to die, don't cha think? I sure do. =] Gosh, can't cha just feel the love in the air tonight. I sure can. I really appreciate all the hate. It's not everyday that I get hated on it. It's very kind of all of you. You're the best idiotic (net) haters I've ever met.

#52. I appreciate that. But, you really don't need too. I can handle their ignorance. I get a great laugh over them trying to 'put me down.' But thank you! Oh, and yes, some of the people on here are just assholes. I fit right into that category. =]

98% of people everywhere fit that category coincidentally.

kailaisawesome 0

you're pathetic...;D "hey I hate women because neither genders are attracted to me!"

Max24KB 0

I'm pretty fat ass is going to die a slow painful death. diabetes is a mother ****** haha

Max24KB 0

67 OMG that was ****** hilarious hahaha

My current wife is very sweet and nice and the ex is terrible to me and my family, but they still won't let her go for some reason. I have tried talking to them but they refuse to listen to me or believe what I say. And to answer #9 the card was not in an envelope.

The card not being in an envelope is no good reason to read it, technically. XD Please have the grace to not boast about it online. XD

Nothing he says will be good enough for you will it? He's not boasting about anything, he's just answering somebody's question of whether the card was in an envelope. OP I feel for you.

errrratic 0

Pahaha. Even your family knows your ex is better.