By Crispy - 21/06/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, my girlfriend talked me into tanning in a tanning bed for the first time ever. I have never tanned before and didn't know you are supposed to ease into it. I tanned for 15 minutes in the "super bed" and have lobstered. My ass and nuts got the worst of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 230
You deserved it 46 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's definitely your girlfriends fault! as a punishment, she will have to walk around next to you :)


misery09 0

That sucks. The tanning place staff sucks too. Usually, here anyway, they will tell you how long you should go for the first few times, especially if you look like you haven't ever tanned and are using a mega bed. Your girlfriend should have known this too and should've told you beforehand. :( Vinegar smells..but half vinegar & water blotted all over your burned places should help big time. Vitamin E too I've heard stings at first but kicks ass on burns. Good luck!

necrophrenic 0

YDI. If you weren't metrosexual, this would've never happened. :D

I'm almost wanting to say fake. I cannot fathom the employee at the salon letting a fist time customer onto the highest strength beds at all, let alone for 15 minutes. They aren't going to make more money if the customer burns to a crisp, and never comes back again. Or, if the customer tries to press charges for the 3rd degree burn they received from an inadequately trained salesperson. It's part of their sales pitch to ease you into the tan so that you are happy with your results. Or, maybe the OP is a bit darker complexioned to begin with, but his skin wasn't used to tanning beds? Who knows... but this would be incredibly painful if real.

Tanning is for gays everyone that does it is queer. YDI

Oh! So that's how you know who's a homosexual or not.

lmmmr 0

What is it like being a terrible person?

YDI for letting your girlfriend talk you into getting cancer. And for being an idiot. I've never tanned and never will, but even I knew that.

elsieenchanted 0

It's your fault. -.-" You're balls are burned and you can get/have skin cancer. :/

teebonehead 0

Cover up dummy that way you wont burn your junk ! Are you and the girls getting a bikini wax next. Y D I

xxPrettyJane 0

CONGRATS your girlfriend loves you! woohoo skin cancer!