By Crispy - 21/06/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, my girlfriend talked me into tanning in a tanning bed for the first time ever. I have never tanned before and didn't know you are supposed to ease into it. I tanned for 15 minutes in the "super bed" and have lobstered. My ass and nuts got the worst of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 230
You deserved it 46 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's definitely your girlfriends fault! as a punishment, she will have to walk around next to you :)


quietgirl 0

wow, I'm sorry. I bet your girlfriend feels like shit now.

FYI you don't need to be burnt to suffer DNA damage from UV irradiation. A tan signifies that you've already suffered DNA damage. Have fun with your squamous cell carcinoma.

CherishFlowers 0

Cancer can be caused by ANY radiation! Sun or tanning bed! There is no way to avoid it, unless you stay inside your whole life.

Kevaaan127 0

Not true. Using an SPF of 15 or higher is the way to avoid it.

sunscreen decreases the risk, it doesn't eliminate your risk at sun cancer. for example i use 60 spf everyday because i am allergic to the sun, but i still have a chance at skin cancer because i still tan and burn just the same as everyone else. and even if you stay inside by a window you can get skin cancer, it's not likely, but it is possible.

As soon you stepped into that tanning bed, you were automatically saying "YAY!! Cancer! I'll take those concentrated UV rays with a side of my dignity, some skin poisoning, and a few deep-fried man parts, please!" Yes, that enthusiastically, too. Stop listening to your girlfriends advice. Oh, and every touch will feel like someone is branding you with a red-hot iron for a while. Two words: ALOE VERA

I find it funny how your names Crispy :L

That really suck and u probably didn't need a tan. :P

CassandraBear93 0

... its called going outdoors, a much safer way to tan that won't fry your balls

stringoffail 0

I don't know if I believe this one. Balls don't generally get sunburned, even when the rest of you does.

The real FML is the fact that you let your girlfriend talk you into going to a cancer shop.