By Crispy - 21/06/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, my girlfriend talked me into tanning in a tanning bed for the first time ever. I have never tanned before and didn't know you are supposed to ease into it. I tanned for 15 minutes in the "super bed" and have lobstered. My ass and nuts got the worst of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 230
You deserved it 46 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's definitely your girlfriends fault! as a punishment, she will have to walk around next to you :)


sugar_bear 0

YDI for dating someone who tans in a ******* tanning bed.

Bullshet 0

cutebebe: I never said that natural tanning doesn't damage your skin at all. And yes, tanning beds do damage your skin faster because they have UVB rays, which penetrate deeper into your skin. Just because the twelve people you know don't have skin cancer now doesn't mean they're not putting themselves at risk. I dare you you to google "tanning beds and cancer." FYI: I'm a pre-med biology major, so I've taken plenty of classes on DNA and cells. In fact, last semester we had a discussion on tanning beds and cancer risks.

Bullshet 0

Sorry. I meant UVA not UVB.

riseandshine_fml 0

FY...balls and ass but YDI for being talked into tanning in the first place. People should accept their skin colour instead of risking cancer for aesthetic reasons.

valuemeal2 1

This is why you shouldn't tan in the first place. I'd rather be pale than malignant. Sunscreen is your friend, AND less expensive.

That truly sucks! I know the feeling after my sister convinced me I was too pale as a teen, I hopped in one for 5 minutes and burned my butt and boobs. I am totally in love and in touch with my inner pale redhead now!!! LOL

You deserve that for having a penis and still thinking its okay to go to a tanning bed. Douchebag.

stfu #130. people of either gender can go to tanning beds. but YDI anyway. did you even wear sunscreen? retard.

You don't wear sunscreen if you want to're an idiot...You do, on the other hand, have to wear special types of lotion that do have a protectant in it.

130 you are an idiot. Both genders tan in tanning beds, even though they shouldn't...but whatever if you want cancer, be my guest.

Hich17 0

...Why were you tanning your balls...?