By Lee - 21/06/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, we spread my uncle's ashes at my grandparents' house. We were on a hill overlooking a sunset. It was a beautiful ceremony… until the winds changed direction. Our whole family wound up covered in my Uncle. He's still stuck in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 838
You deserved it 4 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, looks like your uncle has seperation anxiety. You should feel blessed, it was a gesture of love on his part. Unless he's one of those annoying uncles in which case he came onto you as a prank.


Aw man thats harsh :/ At least you can still feel close to him x)

I got some of my grandma in my eye when we spread her ashes. stung like a bitch.

What is with all these FML's having to do with ashes lately? Weird.

People read them and it reminds them of something that happened to them, so they submit it.

Ox_Baker 0

Who the hell voted for this one to be on the page? This is just terrible in every possible way. It's blatantly ripped from a movie, it's copied from a couple of earlier FMLs, and "uncle" is capitalized unnecessarily. **** this **** My Life.

Wow, looks like your uncle has seperation anxiety. You should feel blessed, it was a gesture of love on his part. Unless he's one of those annoying uncles in which case he came onto you as a prank.

I was also thinking the uncle was a prankster and this was his final joke. You and I are messed up #4

tafam 0

You, sir, win two free Internets. Spend them wisely.

I agree with #3 something fishy is going on...

*sings* I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair... (too soon?)

SweetestSin 4

Apparently he wasn't ready to let go yet!

That sucks... and I bet it feels really disrespectful just brushing your Uncles' ashes off doesn't it?