By Lightlysalted - 19/04/2018 19:00

Today, I was invited to a special meal for receiving a scholarship from my college. My mom refuses to take me because “your sister’s going there too and didn’t get a scholarship; it wouldn’t be fair to her.” I guess fairness doesn’t apply to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 281
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your going to college. your mom doesnt need to take you.

Donut_Wizard 23

This will be the most important Uber of your life.


your going to college. your mom doesnt need to take you.

Valid a point though that is, you don't know where the dinner is, nor the contents of his wallet. A paid ride may not be an option. Although if the sister is going, and is getting a ride from the (despicable in my opinion) mother, he could just grow roots in the car. Either she takes them both, or neither goes. It's a tad childish, but since the dinner is for him anyway, i think it works out.

dont think the meal was for the sister. think it was the sister was going to the college and she didn't get a scholarship so the mom is denying the son his reward for hard work because the sister didn't achieve as much as him.

Donut_Wizard 23

This will be the most important Uber of your life.

Lobby_Bee 17

You get your scholarship and she gets a dinner. Fair enough to me.

You should bring your sister as your guest, so you can rub it in her face that you’re better than her!

ohsnapword 21

Tell your mother that the college is giving your sister a participation trophy at the dinner as well.

Your sister should be telling your mum that she’s happy for you and that it’s fine.

randybryant799 20

Why does your mom need to take you? You're a big boy. Take yourself.