By themuffinman - 27/12/2011 15:15 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend referred to her yeast infection as "making bread." I can never look at bread the same way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 710
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't compare it to brewing beer!

Your picture is making me ill. I don't care about your comment, the picture alone deserves a thumbs-down.


Does it look like an open faced roast beef sandwich?

I wonder what she refers to her period as.

I'd be staying out of that oven for awhile...

I don't see why people are making such a big deal about this. Yeast infections are common in most women. It's not always caused by lack of cleanliness, it can also be caused by different foods you eat, and plus it can be easily treated, so get over yourselves. Get an education or do some research.

Steve95401 49

OP should be glad his girlfriend is "making bread" instead of having a bun in the oven.

Steve95401 49

This is the kind of yeast that doesn't make things rise.

I ate my gf's bread during that time and I was in her oven all the time. And I'm still around and healthy. Nothing more common and harmless than that. Enjoy lunch.

sodapopper 6

Some bitches man. They don't get it.. Trying to be funny, and failing consistently..

hateevryone 14

ewwwww her ****** probably looks like bread too.

sinking_fish 12

66- ahmahgawddd, I know right!!?!?!?! Ewwwsss! -.-