By themuffinman - 27/12/2011 15:15 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend referred to her yeast infection as "making bread." I can never look at bread the same way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 710
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't compare it to brewing beer!

Your picture is making me ill. I don't care about your comment, the picture alone deserves a thumbs-down.


erockinthesuburb 17

All the 'blue waffle' comments were over my head, so I did a google search... FML. I will be burning out my eyeballs shortly. Thanks, jerks.

Lol! I feel ya, I didn't get it either until I googled it. I gave away my astro blueberry yogurt promptly afterwards. :p

ninjuh_wingman 29

Thats gonna be some nasty bread.

It's not like it smells like bread or anything. Just get her a Diflucan and get the **** over it.

Thank you. Fungal infection. Not bakers yeast simpletons.

What do you call an anorexic with a yeast infection?

Quarter pounder with cheese, ha ha ha, someone beat you to it

brekab8 14

Eww she is so dirty and disgusting for that!

eyeIoveyou 4

if you haven't experienced having a yeast infection yet, I guarantee you will on multiple occasions. it doesn't make you dirty or out of the ordinary, it makes you human. :')

Even though it isn't very comfortable. But yes, it's natural for women to get yeast infections. Live and learn.

chels1994 11

note: yeast infection-not the same as an STD

Dude, tight jeans can bring on a yeast infection. It's normal.

I think 38 meant that she was dirty and disgusting for what she said about her yeast infection, not for having one.

Better treat that quickly, or she'll have a Smurf's village between her legs...

nessaface25 14

Ew now thanks to you, neither can the rest of us.

mark98706 4

You should break up with her for being so nasty

Why? Yeast infections are common for women and can be easily treated.

mark98706 4

Yeah but they come about from not washing yourself good enough

chels1994 11

******* hell, Mark. If you're really 24 years old, you should know by now that yeast infections have nothing to do with hygiene. They happen when women ********** with bagels. Can happen with English muffins, too. Idiot.

^ Just made my night. I love your sarcasm.

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

Thank you kindly for making my day less shitty.