By themuffinman - 27/12/2011 15:15 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend referred to her yeast infection as "making bread." I can never look at bread the same way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 710
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't compare it to brewing beer!

Your picture is making me ill. I don't care about your comment, the picture alone deserves a thumbs-down.


thefuckinloser 6

Yeast infections are the best thing since sliced bread

Roland2124 8

Only if you come away from eating with a lump of "dough" on your upper lip then FYL

Istalkrexgar2000_fml 0

Hopefully you don't get a job at a bakery. lol FYL

So you have to ruin it for the rest of us too? Thanks asshole.

cumminside03 0

Yup had that happen before... Not cool