By Anonymous - 06/10/2015 21:57 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I realized my sister has a yeast infection. How, you ask? Her tube of yeast infection cream and my tube of toothpaste look remarkably similar. I'm still trying to get the taste out of my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 785
You deserved it 3 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully she doesn't use the toothpaste instead.

That's pretty gross... Maybe you should ask her to keep those sorts of things separated. Then just brush your teeth a few more times with a new toothbrush!


Well hopefully she doesn't use the toothpaste instead.

"Didn't realize I got the mint option. Oh wait.. there wasn't a mint option.." :-|

That's another FML just waiting to happen...

princeofgirl 18

Actually that was kind of funny. I LOL'd. ;-)

I assume OP was just tired, like you are when you brush your teeth

That's pretty gross... Maybe you should ask her to keep those sorts of things separated. Then just brush your teeth a few more times with a new toothbrush!

Yeah, why on earth would you leave the tube of cream where you're publicly advertising you have a yeast infection to your family?

Well enough to write an FML about the experience, at least.

I guess it didn't taste like bread, huh?

Look on the brightside. At yeast your mouth is infection free.