By themuffinman - 27/12/2011 15:15 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend referred to her yeast infection as "making bread." I can never look at bread the same way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 710
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't compare it to brewing beer!

Your picture is making me ill. I don't care about your comment, the picture alone deserves a thumbs-down.


bubo_fml 10

I have the same horror of equating a ****** with an old Fig Newton jingle..."Ooo whee gooey rich & chewy inside, golden tender flaky crispy outside..." Now, whenever I perform ***********, I have to sing the jingle before hand & likewise, whenever I eat a Fig Newton, I get the sensation of eating pussy...(Don't get me started about a York peppermint Patty!)

gottobeme123 4
kaykay20 0

Don't worry it's actually not the same kind of yeast. By the way don't have sex till its cleared up.

nikefan201 0

let her make bread in a dutch over

Narwhal234 6

And then you just had to share it wuth us...