By CRWMEN - 22/12/2009 05:57 - United States

Today, my girlfriend canceled our date I've been looking forward to all week because her dog was having puppies. She doesn't have a dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 403
You deserved it 3 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, are you sure? That sounds like a pretty outrageous, not to mention easily disproven excuse to just invent.


Unregistered 0

I just LOVE middle school relationships they think just because they ask a girl out on a date it equals having a girlfriend, the OP is obviously about 10 years old honestly what were you going to do on this date? Show her your red engine fire truck and watch dora the explorer?

AnaMaree 0

Are you sure, OP? Maybe you should pay more attention to your girlfriend. You're the dog!!!!! *foams at mouth*

Uh, are you sure? That sounds like a pretty outrageous, not to mention easily disproven excuse to just invent.

Eh, it was the first thing that came up in my head...OP, you should just come over to drop off a gift for her "sick dog" and see what happens! :)

Oops sorry i meant "pregnant dog" not "sick dog"

flashback.miss 28

well she wasnt totally wrong.. she does have one bitch... she just needs to look in the mirror... You ain't nothin' but a hound dog cryin' all the time. You ain't nothin' but a hound dog cryin' all the time. Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine. When they said you was high classed, well, that was just a lie. When they said you was high classed, well, that was just a lie. You ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine.

Unregistered 0

stfu stop trying to copy ireplywlyrics he was the original ****** but now your just ripping him off so that makes you a sub-level below his faggotness

You're probably wrong, She most likely does have a dog. It would be easy enough to say she was sick or had to do something with her family. Why would she make up such an unbelievable thing? Has she actually told you straight out she does not have a dog? or no pets? Because if you just assumed because she's never mentioned it before, then that's just silly.

"Today, I had to cancel a date with my bf because my dog was having puppies. He didn't believe me coz he'd forgotten I have a dog. FML." haha. Kidding. Are you sure it was her dog and not, like, her family's dog or something that she might have been looking after? I don't think she'd make up something like that. If I was trying to get out of a date with someone who knew me well enough to know I don't have a dog, I'd say something like I'd gotten sick, or that the computer had eaten my assignment that I had to re-write, or that my parents wanted me to look after a younger sibling... or something similar... a bit more believable than making up a pet.

tell her you'll be right over to share this experience with her.

Let me guess you went out on 1-2 dates and now you think you have a gf.

or worse they "dated " via facebook...:o

That's all it is though, a guess. For all you know, they've been dating for seven months and he knows that she's never ever had a dog because she's allergic to their fur.