By Anonymous - 20/12/2010 00:31 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because I didn't attend her dog's funeral, and was therefore an insensitive bastard. I couldn't attend because my mum has cancer and I was driving her to a hospital appointment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 081
You deserved it 3 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

I'm sorry OP :( That's absolutely terrible. Forget about her. The FML should be that your mother has cancer, not that your girlfriend is a bitch.

schwancy 2

Do you really want to be with someone as rediculous as that?


revelo760 2
babyale760 0

op, just forget that bitch. move on and get another girl.

sounds like she was looking for any excuse to dump you. but that is very shitty of her, you'll find someone who cares for you. I promise

yeah I don't see the FML here. You got free from that brat so ydi

iSitt 0

ydi for dating someone in PETA

Herropreez17 0

Poor doggie..... oh and that stuff about your mom sucks too.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

I'm sorry OP :( That's absolutely terrible. Forget about her. The FML should be that your mother has cancer, not that your girlfriend is a bitch.

White_Fury 0

I really wish I had something clever to say... but honestly I just think you are cute. :)

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

41- Cleverness isn't always necessary. And thank you :)

White_Fury 0

Anytime. I always find your comments amusing :)

Totally agree with #3. Actually this is first time I felt bad for someone on this site but OP if she was my GF, I would say good riddance. Sorry about your mom man and she gets cured.

#3 is pretty cute =) I see why it distracted you to say something clever

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

52- I find your comments equally amusing. I'm going to message you. 60- My feeling exactly. I have felt bad for OPs before but this FML is just horrible. People have the audacity... 66- Thank you :)

So all I have to do is act like a tool to get girls on the Internet? Whoa, it works just like irl!

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

119- I don't think you know the definition of "tool". How could you know my reasoning for messaging him in the first place.

schwancy 2

Do you really want to be with someone as rediculous as that?


I don't know why, but that bothers me. I'f you can understand what someone wrote why correct it?

Then the world would become overrun with bad spellers and we'd be DOOMED.

How wud we b dooms if u can stil understnd wat it is thts bein said? I also agree, it is annoying when people correct tiny mistakes, but yes otherwise everyone would spell bad, like I did above. ^.

Because the ability to understand something isn't an excuse to do it. Chnaces aer yuo cna undrestnad tihs too, but it is equllay wrnog. Right?

thaprince1226 0

I don't think it's wrong i could understand it so idc.

agree with 58. it's just irritating we all knew what she meant

wwerulez14 6

(#58, #100) Doc always wins. 'Nuff said.

Funkymunky1511 4

I think OP's Gf is f*cken selfish... His mum definitely is more important than her dog

What a dead weight, getting away from her is the best thing for you. Best of wishes to you from an anonymous.

what a dumb bitch. there are some more important things in life than a dogs funeral. :s

Ninjasaurus18 9

Only 3. 1: A wedding 2: A funeral 3: Driving your mom to the hospital.

paigeykkins 0

wow what a bitch, a dogs passing is sad, but no reason to be a bitch, get a new gf :P

Who's the insensitive one again, darling?

BandddGeekkk 0

that's when you hook up with her best friend.

woah, thats when you just dump that dumbasssss

yozakura06 2

I agree with you Date her best friend and her worst enemy that's why I did 8D (troll face)

mathew17986g 2

well thats not a good GF then.