By Anonymous - 01/11/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because her mom said she would buy her a pug if she did. I got dumped for a dog, and an ugly one for that matter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 667
You deserved it 6 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

aww I really love pugs. But not more than my husband. But I have a feeling you're in High school still.

Probably a blessing in disguise....if you and your now ex got married...would you want that bitch for a mother-in-law?


oakleysista 0

you got to meet the dog? i bet you were estatic to meet your replacement

pancakes_n_syrup 0

YDI for calling them ugly. If you think they're ugly, I'd hate to see you

YDI for being such a punk that her mom had to do that, and for dating a nasty ditzy shallow ho who would go for it.

americayay 0

She couldn't have liked you much if she'd go for it.

pugs look like they have major downs... sorry if i offend you...the truth hurts.

Pugs are amazing. No wonder she dumped you for one; her mom bribed your girlfriend to get rid of you. Either you have some serious problems, or your ex-girlfriend's mom does.

It's nice to hear someone with common sense.

Pugs aren't ugly!! They're cute!... Asshole!

blanquito 1

Pugs aren't ugly douche. No dogs are ugly. Douche.

As the owner of 3 pugs, I have to agree.

lol ydi, pugs are absolutely adorable

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...psycho...kill the dog... I lol'd. OP, be glad. Shallow bitch wasn't worth the sweat.

ISellHerbs 0

YDI for thinking you were in a serious relationship if she'd let her parents influence her.

Probably a blessing in disguise....if you and your now ex got married...would you want that bitch for a mother-in-law?

Ligerie 0

aww I really love pugs. But not more than my husband. But I have a feeling you're in High school still.

well, at least you won't have a bitchy mother-in-law in the near future :)

im2coolmatt 0

maybe you should try finding a gf that actually likes you then...

Yes. If she'd dump you for a dog, do you think she ever actually loved you? Be glad you got rid of her now instead of being hurt even more later, or god forbid being married to someone so shallow.

If the dog was female then we can make a "That bitch dumped you for a bitch" joke.