By wrongcolorwrongcreed - 30/05/2019 10:43

Today, I went with my boyfriend of 10 months to rent a car, for which he needed his dad to sign for. To avoid introducing me, he banished me to the nearest airport terminal, and picked me up 45 minutes later, around 11:30 p.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 811
You deserved it 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean ex, right? If he's so scared of introducing you after almost a year of being together ... when's he actually going to have the guts?


You mean ex, right? If he's so scared of introducing you after almost a year of being together ... when's he actually going to have the guts?

Well, airport terminals are more interesting than rental car counters. He did you a favor.

At least there’s a bar, although guessing they aren’t 21. Also guessing they are trying to drive the car illegally since having dad “sign for it”.

OP could be 21. You have to be 25 to rent a car.

chickensheep 15

...she loves him regardless of whether fathers approves of mixed race relationships?

you're still with him so you deserve it!

mr_dinzaster 16

Shit he is just trying to keep the peace

Ten months he still hasn't introduced you to his folks... IS it you he's embarrassed about or his folks?

TxKitten79 10

And he's not your EX-boyfriend? Ridiculous.

leximichelle 13

Username suggests the dad is racist, which is a clear sign a long term relationship would be very rocky. You may want to reconsider the dating thing if that is the case.

Trinity Fenwick 7

lots of other fish in the sea at the terminal. happy hunting.