By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 03:23

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me for not letting her keep the 75 cents that she stole from my truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 213
You deserved it 50 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you couldn't let her keep three quarters? Did you think this would happen: *Mugger: give me at least 75 cents or I blow your brains out! *You: Curse my evil girlfriend, she has killed me!



You really consider 75 cents "stealing"???

Yesterday, I went to Mcdonalds, I paid 4.23 for my meal. Since I only had a $5 bill, I tossed my wallet back into my purse , and the change into the other cup holder. Today, I realized that not only had someone broke into my car and stolen my stereo, my 77 cents was gone! FML. Spare change is up for grabs, not saying that its acceptable to take money just because, but im sure she needed it for some reason- and not because she was some kind of klepto. The fact you questioned her seems like you don't trust her. Im sure you've asked for a penny or a dime here or there, did you pay that back? I bet you didnt. Im also willing to bet that you didnt even give her a decent amount of time to fork over the money either. Maybe she was waiting for you to ask for some change so you didnt get back a bunch of change. Yeesh. Give and take man. Selfish prick.

InTechniColor_ 0

but it's only 75 cents. if it was 100 dollars, I could see you wanting that back. but 75 cents? cheap cheap cheap!

So she took money from you (disregarding amount), you said to give it back (I'm guessing that's what happened), and you get trolled with countless YDIs. Yep. That makes perfect sense, FYL, OP.

Hannbonan527 0

Well, breaking up with you was a bit drastic, but really? Its 75 cents.

Are you serious? .75, you lost your girl over that?

Are you serious? .75, you lost your girl over that? You did have her arrested for theft?? I'm surprised!!

no wonder, if u cant give up 75 cents u don't deserve a gf

What was she going to spend it on? A gum ball?

zarrah_fml 0

Everyone who is saying "Stealing is stealing and it's wrong" obviously doesn't know how to assess a situation in its context. The amount stolen, why it was stolen, the way it was stolen etc are all relevant to knowing the morality of the situation. I'm not going to assess the morality of the situation because I don't know how or why all I know is that IT WAS ONLY SEVENTY FIVE FREAKING CENTS. So something stupid escalated to a fight escalated to a break up. I'll tell you what, if I find some change of my boyfriend's lying around and I needed it I would take it without a thought and he would do the same with my change, I don't see how in a relationship some change is a big deal.