
By Blah - 10/10/2019 06:01

Today, it was my second day of house-sitting. I was so out of my mind from not seeing people that I invited a bunch of friends over for dinner. I said I would pay for pizza and we could all hang out in the house. Even with an unsupervised house and free food, no one showed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 952
You deserved it 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

2 days and you're going out of your mind? That's... not healthy.

Mathalamus 24

That is sad in so many levels. Also, only two days? Amateur.


2 days and you're going out of your mind? That's... not healthy.

Either your so-called friends are gluten-sensitive and/or lactose-intolerant or you suck.

Mathalamus 24

That is sad in so many levels. Also, only two days? Amateur.

did you have permission from the homeowners to have people over?

You know, houses aren’t like children. They don’t need constant watching.

If they agreed, and bailed, that's on them. If they were busy, and you can't accept it, that's on you. Also, what are you doing inviting people to hang out at someone else's house? What if your friends had turned up, invited others, and the house had been trashed? Also also, you felt lonely after only two days? Come talk to me when you've been alone for 20 years. I'm still standing. Sometimes.

randybryant799 20

Out of your mind from not seeing people? On day 2?