By Micheal - 23/11/2009 03:59 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up me with for being the "perfect boyfriend". Apparently I'm the best boyfriend she's ever had, and she didn't know how to take it. So she dumped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 258
You deserved it 3 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds made up. She was prolly looking for a reason and couldn't think of anything


darnesey 0

I feel for you. I had the same situation.

bugmenotmofo 34

That's bullshit. What she means is you're ugly.

YDI for lowering going down a class. Stick with your own kind.

w00kye 0

the lamest excuse for a breakup in the history ..don`t sweat it :) if your that perfect`l find a even better one

jickhut 0

shes been cheating on you and now shes leaving you for the other guy

tsuta 0

omg that is the lamest excuse ever (does that even make since) maybe she feels guilty 4 cheating on u but if ur so perfect u'll get another 1 easy

IsumoVamp 0

This is exactly why I won't go out with this guy that I really like. He's too perfect. I can't explain exactly why it makes me NOT want to but it does.

Always remember, these is no such thing as the "perfect Girlfriend". They are all lying, cheating ******.

HmongsterFurry 0

Aww. She probably has a lot of inner issues. So it's not your fault sooner or later she's gonna look back at it. And think i screwed up. I could of have something perfect or had. She might just feel like your too good and she's holding you back. Or she's ashamed of herself.