By Anonymous - 03/02/2010 00:12 - United States

Today, I was on Craigslist looking for a new guitar. I found the diamond earrings and necklace set I gave to my girlfriend last year. She wants 50 bucks for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 633
You deserved it 2 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy them back. Then get a friend to pick them up. Then leave it a few weeks and ask for them because you want to put them in a safe as your new insurance policy says you have to put items of value of £1000 or more into a fireproof safe. Or ask for them back as they were antiques from your grandparent.


grog_fml 3

Yah, and wrap them and give them as a gift to her sister/ mother.. And she'll be like "Oh noes! I used 2 hav something kewl lyk that! But, now it belongz 2 my sister!"

cazebragirl 0

@rdr435 you sound pretty bitter. How about you stop calling everyone a pussy and do some self evaluating. That may be your only chance at happiness in life.

froggi_fml 0

I think it's kinda wrong that u think the only reason girls are here us to tap them. I don't think u have any clue what woman have to go through in life.

RDR you really gotta stfu. Hows bout you man up, realise that not every boy can 'tap a pussy' since there is a thing called a 'law', and stop calling everyone else a pussy. You seem like you've been troubled when you were younger. Getting dumped a lot? No? I dont care but your annoying me. So do everyone here a favour and 'man up' you 'pussy'. Have a nice day.

cazebragirl 0

That's not the kind of girl I am at all, and since you don't know a damn thing about me, I suggest you keep your judgements to yourself. How about you grow up. With an attitude like that, you're going to be very lonely.

cazebragirl 0

I know you didn't ask me. You TOLD me. Reread your comment. As for the rest of what you said, I find it to be sad and pathetic and I think you use this disgustingly callous behavior as a defense mechanism for your own insecurities. Have a nice day.

cazebragirl 0

ok now you're just going off on random tangents. if you don't care, then why do you keep responding?

uknorob 0

rdr435 is a bad example. hey not all guys are perverts like this kid. tho most guys are.

redredman 0

What the heck are you talking about? Creationism is a viable and accurate alternative to evolutionary "science." God's creation of us is no joke and neither is religion. Us Christians must stand together to ward of this evil RDR435. Creationism means that God created us all individually. Therefore we cannot undue God's work. Christians must therefore stand against such atrocities as cloning, stem cells, abortions, because they all change the work that God has done. Who's with me? Let's get RDR435 banned!

I think he was being sarcastic, but either way, I take Mastercard.

buy them and give them to her and be like somebody must have stolen them and was trying to sell them, so I bought them back for you

xxhappyninjaxx 0

@ RDR for the sake of society stop beog such a jackass and get some respect for women

MF12 0

hey I thought you were going to stop replying

MF12 0

why would you trip them? that wouldn't help you go any faster. and anyways "survival of the fittest"? you can't be very fit if you have to resort to tripping someone. that's more like "when I go down you're going down with me sucker"

froggi_fml 0

ur just sad. really I feel sry for u.

@rdr wow you are a great example of trailer trash. probably have a few illegitimate kids out there from when you picked up that $1 corner store prostitute

Unrelated to gods, religion or anything. Please remove yourself from the gene pool, rdr. You are a disgrace.

KingDingALing 9

^this by the way, OP. how does searching for a guitar end up with diamond earrings search results?

Oh damn that sucks :( Shes kinda dumb for wanting only 50 $ for them.

doink 0

Maybe she needs the money and needed to sell a few things. Times are tough!

toeknee33 0

so what?? she's old news.. life goes on

bloodhoundbambam 0

Buy 'em back! Have the dimonds set into your new guitar. Better yet where are they I'll buy them!

toeknee33 0

buy them and keep em for a gf who will really appreciate what you give em

Buy them back. Then get a friend to pick them up. Then leave it a few weeks and ask for them because you want to put them in a safe as your new insurance policy says you have to put items of value of £1000 or more into a fireproof safe. Or ask for them back as they were antiques from your grandparent.

Not sure I'm buying this story. How did you find the necklace earrings while searching for a guitar? they're not even close to being in the same category. besides there are thousands of necklaces and earrings for sale. on eBay. Seems you would have spent quite a bit of time searching until you found it.

whoops meant craigslist not eBay. since it's CL there wouldn't be thousands for sale but still they wouldn't be in the same section.

he was prolly on the city that he lives in that's why he saw them.