By Anonymous - 25/05/2019 20:03

Today, I went straight from a kickboxing class to a first date. I coughed and a tooth that must have been knocked loose during free sparring fell into my hand, and I got blood on my shirt and the table. My date had a blood phobia and passed out, breaking her own front tooth on the table edge FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 324
You deserved it 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Consider that your first victory by a knockout.

You couldn’t get through a first date without a domestic violence incident? This does not bode well.


Consider that your first victory by a knockout.

Man, don’t cough into your hand... rules of disease prevention!

You couldn’t get through a first date without a domestic violence incident? This does not bode well.

tounces7 27

You went on a date after being all sweaty and shit?

I’m guessing he showered and changed at the gym and drove straight there, therefore not much time had passed and he hadn’t realized the loose tooth

well at least now you two have something in common!

What time was your date? Tooth hurty? I'm here all week. Tip your wait staff, because they probably had to revive your date.

If she goes on a second date, she’s a keeper.

please stay together so you’ll have a great story to tell your future kids 😂