By dahlia87 - 14/12/2009 17:20 - United States

Today, I got an email from the Law School Admissions Council saying that they received my request for my LSAT cancellation and they are confirming that it has been cancelled. The email also said the score will not be reinstated for any reason. I never requested for my score to be cancelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 973
You deserved it 2 185

Same thing different taste

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To cancel your score, they need to receive a fully completed and hand signed form from you. Ask them to furnish a copy of this signed document, and since you never signed it, they will not be able to. If they produce one, it will be a forged signature, which will only get them in more trouble. You have a solid legal standing to challenge them, and I believe that you should, considering that they are cheating you out of a great deal of time, effort, and stress.


Yeah, THEY were confirming, they weren't asking him to confirm it. It had already been cancelled and they were emailing to tell him so.

dudeitsdanny 9

According to the FML, they are informing dahlia87 that is has been canceled. Not asking if it should be.

cowgod 0

one of these days im gonna get first and im gonna gloat about it to every single mother ****** on this site

Beat ya to it. Op, sucks to be you, seriously.

Only a few students are selected to receive the bonus part of the test: to sue them for your score plus damages.

They said they received your request and were CONFIRMING the cancellation, correct? Usually they give you an opportunity to reply to the email to either confirm or deny that you indeed requested your scores to be cancelled, either by writing a reply or clicking a confirmation link in the email. Simply explain that you never requested the cancellation. And then check your credit report. Often, schools require your SSN or other personal information to cancel classes or tests, so someone might have stolen your identity and pissed around with your exams. Now THAT would be the real FML.

Kristoffer 35

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That was rude and bitchy of you to say. I hope you never need a lawyer one day.

call them and raise hell. then sue their asses. but seriously raise hell cuz this is bullshit and dont back down

wannabesinger 16

Why would scores be canceled anyway? I mean, what would be the reason for someone to not want their scores going through? Even if you thought you did poorly you just retake it and have those scores sent out. This doesn't make sense to me

friedblueoyster 0

When I took the LSAT I sat next to a girl who quit halfway through and started crying. She would have to cancel her score, since it's sent automatically, and if she ever wanted to take the exam again this score would be on the record books and would ruin any chance of making it to law school.

To cancel your score, they need to receive a fully completed and hand signed form from you. Ask them to furnish a copy of this signed document, and since you never signed it, they will not be able to. If they produce one, it will be a forged signature, which will only get them in more trouble. You have a solid legal standing to challenge them, and I believe that you should, considering that they are cheating you out of a great deal of time, effort, and stress.

The reason you would want to cancel your score is that many law schools take an average of all the LSAT scores you have instead of the highest one. If you feel you did very badly and will have to take it again anyway, it could be best to cancel the score.