By Anonymous - 24/09/2010 23:10 - United States

Today, my friend asked why I always smell like a dead animal carcass. I have no idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 179
You deserved it 7 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohthebloodygore 16
MetalFish 0

Dude, get a ******* wash... and take that gerbil out your arse.


Well at least your friend is being honest with you, most people won't tell you things like this. There's the upside anyway =)

I suggest you buy some perfume. And what a friend..

red61977 9

Did you ask your friend why they were such an ass?

I'd recommend changing your shower gel

Do you have a mouse you keep in your pocket that recently died? You can't smell that bad...

My friend told me i smelled like a burrito once. Turns out, I WAS a burrito.

How do they know what a dead animal carcass smells like?

Think it's time to start using and/or looking for a new soap