By Quin - 31/05/2019 14:00

Today, I was running around the track at school PE with a lot of other students. I noticed a guy who smelled really bad and I thought to myself how disgusting that was and I felt bad for him. Later, I was changing and caught a whiff of my shirt. It wasn't him who was smelly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 637
You deserved it 2 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How come you only noticed the smell when you were around him?

Deodorant is not the same thing as antiperspirant. Deodorant sweats off and you stink. Antiperspirant stays put and you don’t stink.


How come you only noticed the smell when you were around him?

Oh no... I’ve got.... the UGLY!....

So it’s disgusting to sweat while running around in PE?

DykasuarusRex 5

Did you pull your shirt out of the hamper? Most people keep their clean clothes in the closet or dresser to keep this from happening.

Who sniffs other people while working out?

Deodorant is not the same thing as antiperspirant. Deodorant sweats off and you stink. Antiperspirant stays put and you don’t stink.