By Anonymous - 18/05/2018 20:30

Today, on the train, a man kept grabbing my crotch. When I told him to stop, I got yelled at for harassing an elderly man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 234
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zekfen 17

Was he orange with fake yellow hair?

Yell louder, or Better yet just full on scream.


Yell louder, or Better yet just full on scream.

Zekfen 17

Was he orange with fake yellow hair?

DraftHail614 17

Just goes to show women aren't the only one who deal with things like this.

azouwa 26

Elderly pull that shit, and they get away with it on grounds that they're old.

next time whisper "Take it out" and then scream

mccuish 25

Maybe they were filming a Japanese **** movie.

I would have definitely tried to make a bigger deal out of it OP. You gotta stand up for yourself and show that creep that he doesn't get a pass for being an OLD creep.

Lobby_Bee 17

Kept grabbing? How many times does he have to grab your brother before you so something about it? I would have pushed him away and make a huge scene about it after the first time.