By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, I found out the reason my clothes have been smelling a little funny isn't because I sweat heavily, it's because of the dead rat in the back of my dryer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 914
You deserved it 5 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wasn't there an FML about a dead mouse in a dishwasher not too long ago? How do people not notice these things?

Why do you keep dead rats in your dryer? It's not a good place to keep them. I prefer the fridge so they stay fresh.


waterynuggets 0

FYL. We have a mouse, but haven't seen it in a while - crap! How did you not smell that after all this time..?

tyhillman 0

Maybe roasted vermin just smelled nice for a while until he started to sweat lol

Wasn't there an FML about a dead mouse in a dishwasher not too long ago? How do people not notice these things?

Because they have better things to do than go on fmylife every day. You, apparently, don't.

Wealthyparrot 9

They don't notice because they're too dumb to find answers, and assume their first guess is correct. Seriously, "it's not because I sweat heavily"? Your cloths wouldn't have acquired a NEW smell from sweat you've produced ALL YOUR LIFE.

FYL :(. ____________________ watch my fml on youtube/ and watch double frontflip fail

Maybe he thought it was that raggy ole' towel he takes to palmsdale with him. You need to clean that thing a couple dozen times to wash away the despair.

Why do you keep dead rats in your dryer? It's not a good place to keep them. I prefer the fridge so they stay fresh.

Soup_fml 0

When my parents recently replaced their old oven that had been there forever, there was a dead mouse caught in the wiring in the back of it. The last time we had mice in that house was like 15 years ago, when I was a little kid. The thing was pretty much mummified.

fretforyerlatte 0

wait so it was just sitting in the dryer? with the clothes? don't you take them out and put them away at some point?

If you can mistake your body odour for dead rat smell, I suggest a trip to the doctor . . .