By Anonymous - 27/07/2012 21:23 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my fiancée's OCD hit a new low when she screamed at me for flicking the light-switch off "the wrong way". This led to her flicking it on and off about a dozen times, followed by a twenty-minute lecture on how to do it "properly". We're getting married next month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 134
You deserved it 9 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Make sure you request lots and lots of light bulbs on your wedding registry!


HowAreYouToday 34

Yes there is, you ignorant bastard! Don't make me lecture you.

MagicGiraffe 12

So I guess opening doors with my ass is unacceptable?

Mario_lib 6

I wonder how much she will have sex with you over and over to teach you the proper way to do it.

Really, 22? I mean Really? You're a perv.

bertman21 5

22 has a valid point. What happens If op does something wrong in bed? Is he going to have to do it over and over again until he does it right? Maybe there will be an fml about it soon .

Blue_Nuh 6

I've been doing it wrong all these years?! :(

hooligyn123 18

Her OCD is likely in overdrive due to the wedding. There is so much deal to consider that even a normal person could lose it. My family is currently going nuts with how unconcerned about table linens, tulle, streamers etc I am with my wedding less than a month away. If I cared, I'd go crazy too...

krnpanda 2

Anyone ever tell you your profile pic has a serial killer vibe to it?

that's if they have sex , they might not lol.

Time for 40 to get that filter installed...

Her being OCD doesn't make her a bitch.

kristabelli 19

111, she needs medical help, not being left.

140) You look so ******* gangster with that kitten on your shoulder. That's not sarcasm. I'm serious.

I have self-diagnosed ODC, as well. It annoys me when people that as well

Yeah "My wife won't stop trying to sex me up. FML"

You can hold the light switch all the through flipping it and flip it hard (1) or softly (2). You can simply flick the switch with a movement of your finger (3). You can use a finger or multiple fingers from one direction (4) or a fist (5) or an object that you hold with you hand (6) so that you don't actually touch the light switch. You can use the flat palm of your hand (7), the side of your hand (8), or your thumb (9), or pinch the switch between thumb and pointer finger while flipping (10). I personally prefer #4 as it makes the most satisfying noise, but the point is: IN REALITY IT DOESN'T FREAKING MATTER. You're welcome.

thereseg69 7
Redoxx_fml 22

I can't begin to imagine how bad it'll be if OP gets her preggo

bit harsh to say get out while you can! it's not her fault that she has it! there are specialists she can see for help and like someone else said, she's probably only this bad because of the wedding, he's obviously capable of putting up with it as he obviously knew about it before they were getting married.

You might dislike some qualitiesthat your fiancee has but I'm sure if you ever lost her you'd miss them and same goes for her.

You should of known what you got yourself into.

perdix 29

Make sure you request lots and lots of light bulbs on your wedding registry!

Yes. We must make sure that we're all switched on during the ceremony. It doesn't take a bright spark to make light of this situation.

Teehee, bright spark... Make light... Clever

3, Or he can choose not to marry her until she gets her OCD under better control. I feel badly for the Original Poster. He probably feels as if he breathes wrong, he will get yelled at. "Honey, you're supposed to breathe out 4 seconds, not 3!!!!" Yikes!

No CFL. Turning them off and on within 15 min makes them burn out faster. Go for the LED.

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unknown_user5566 26

She's compelled to do that through no fault of her own. OCD isn't a choice. Even if it was, I don't think "creepy" would be the right word to describe her actions.

While OCD isn't a choice, how she reacts to it can be. Yelling at someone for doing it "wrong" in your eyes means it's not under control. Having a mental illness does not mean you get a free pass to berate other people, it still requires taking responsibility for your own actions. While the OP's GF is probably stressed about wedding preparations, perhaps she needs to take a step back before saying anything in order to make sure she's not over-reacting. It would have been much simpler (and more understandable) had she just gone and flicked the light switch herself, rather than yelling at him for how HE did it. Then she's in control of the situation and not making other people feel bad for something they have no control over.

KiddNYC1O 20

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As much as I love your name (brohoof), it isn't something she can control. She isn't being a bitch intentionally.

What do you mean "our" fiancé? Also, why misspell fudge?

Why did he mis-spell fudge? - Because he's a rtrd.

20- he misspelt fudge because he's a rtrd.

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I have a question. Why was that funny?

bertman21 5

Wow that's intense good luck op.

jem970 19

I'd like to suggest taking her to therapy... That's extreme OCD and it can be crippling in every day life, also, you will probably want to kill her before the months out :) good luck OP!

Or offer her a cigarette? Did wonders for David Sedaris, though probably not his lungs.

No. Don't offer her a smoke. Therapy is a good idea. That is extreme OCD and like the comment I'm commenting on said it can be hard to deal with it in everyday life.

alshygirl 14

It might just be getting worse because they're close to the time of the wedding and she's stressed. She may hopefully calm down a bit after all the hoopla has settled down.

Sounds like something I'd do except I go around the house and turn off all the lights even when people are still using them.

Everybody has their pros and cons. I'm assuming you are marrying her for her pros. Also, like someone else said, therapy can be extremely helpful in minimizing these things. Just try to remember why you love her.

No. Run all goofy like. It's more fun that way.

Whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop! (V) (o,,,,o)(V)

Yes, but if you CAN'T deal with someone with a mental illness (and not everyone can), it's better for him to make that clear now, and not three months, three years, whatever after the wedding. If I suffered from a mental illness, I would rather have someone not marry me on the grounds that they can't "cope" with my illness, than push it under a rug for x amount of time, and then leave me anyway.

he obviously can cope because he has done, her ocd has probably gone into overdrive because of stress!

106 - I guess you missed the part of the FML where OP said "Fiancée", and "we're getting married next month". Why would OP take wedding vows prior to their wedding?