By Jared - 01/01/2009 08:49 - France

Today, and for the last 8 months my upstairs neighbours have been making a tremendous noise. I finally decided to go up to complain: "The amount of noise you make is unbelievable ! It sounds like you're driving tractors up here!". The woman replies: "My husband is paraplegic..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 725
You deserved it 9 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that does not at all explain why theyre so noisy. if its because of his wheelchair, they need to put down carpet. disabled people can be inconsiderate too.

How did you live downstairs from your neighbour for eight months and never quite notice that he was in a wheelchair?


paraplegic, big deal. if he was a quadi then maybe they'd have a case

OP--Sounds fake to me--what's a para doing living on an upper floor. If it was all they could find, then I am sure you will do the honorable thing and offer to swap apartments with them.

#2 when your legs are paralyzed and you have to go in a wheel chair ( like Joe from family guy :) )

How did this comment get so many likes? Google is your friend

that does not at all explain why theyre so noisy. if its because of his wheelchair, they need to put down carpet. disabled people can be inconsiderate too.

Perhaps they were having sex, then? I'd imagine it would get a bit loud with a wheelchair in the picture.

Maybe they can’t afford to or they aren’t allowed. Some apartment complexes won’t allow you to remodel in anyway. Ever think of that?

How did you live downstairs from your neighbour for eight months and never quite notice that he was in a wheelchair?

MustBeFirst 0

go change your picture and then shoot yourself. -- <-- Length of biebers penis


paraplegic means paralyzed from the waist down

Lame excuse. How is a wheelchair that noisy!?

Having just looked up the word 'paraplegic' on the internet, i still don't quite understand why he'd be making that much noise. I think that it's harsh of them to be using that as an excuse, i swear wheelchairs are quite quiet.

some1one 0

How does that make it noisy??!

That must make for some kinky sex. xD

blo0_starZz 0

I don't think they'd be having sex if he's paralyzed from the waist down. AKA he can't get hard. AKA no sex.

RandomHavoc1 13

I'm pretty sure he still has blood flow, just no feeling down below the belt. So if he was "in the mood", it could still happen.

They still get hard. Are you ******* dumb? Are all you people so dumb you don't know what paraplegic means?

Yeah, **** them for being inconsiderate. sucks that they were rude to you also.