By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 06:29 - United States

Today, my boyfriend found out I have OCD. When I touch something with one hand I have to touch it with the other or I freak. After I brushed his face with the back of my hand he tackled me to the floor, held me down, and laughed at me while I panicked and tried to touch him with my other hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 338
You deserved it 16 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

whthe... surely you mean ex... why on earth would he think that would be funny? Oo....

so... if you accidentally touch a strangers butt- do you have to do it again?


flashback.miss 28

whthe... surely you mean ex... why on earth would he think that would be funny? Oo....

lol, I'd never do that to my girl buy that is halarious.

You beat me to it but I thought the same thing; he should be her EX-boyfriend. What a horrible person.

That's hilarious!! I'd totally do the same! But hey, does that mean you use both hands on a BJ? Do you wipe you arse with both hands?

alliewillie 22

sorry but that whole thing is just kind of ridiculous. I personally think it's funny. I'd be tempted to do the same. how annoying would it be if every time your significant other touched you, they had to repeat it on the other side or with the other hand? id go crazy!

Sonfang 19

Does he also shut claustrophobics in small rooms? Really that is very cruel of him...I'm sorry he's a jerk op. I hope you get revenge!

mona_is_here 10

I have got OCD too and I understand you COMPLETELY, OP. (too many capitalized letter but whatever) Ditch his ignorant ass asap! Surely, he doesn't have to have OCD too to know that it's not something to make fun of.

mona_is_here 10

no, chaos, even if it's foreign to him, he should pay some respect towards the one who is dealing with a disorder. Would you make fun of someone blind or mentally retarded or would you need to have a cancer too to be sympathetic towards a cancer ill person? It's cruel. and yes, I do think that OCD is in the same category because it may cause sufferings to the one who has it.

mona_is_here 10

maybe, OP doesn't need to dump him but he clearly needs to learn more about OCD, that's not a joke. maybe he wasn't aware that his actions were cruel, then OP should explain it to him.

I have a friend with OCD and it's not funny to mess around with that. Stopping someone from doing the rituals that they physically NEED to do is cruel. OP needs to have a talk with her boyfriend. If he doesn't change his attitude and apologize for his actions she needs to leave him for her own mental health.

jay4who7 0

how would she type this if she has OCD wouldn't she have to touch every key twice ii hhaavvee ooccdd <

mona_is_here 10

chaos, yes she should've made sure he would react to such news about her OCD in adequate way. but she can't read minds, she just assumed he'd understand but as it comes from her FML, the trust she put into that guy, wasn't justified. as for comedic value of OCD.. it may even help people like me and like the OP to hide the rituals.. I explained it to Jane Doe below in comment thread.. people just think 'that girl is funny but weird/weird but finny', shrug and forget. that's good :)

mona_is_here 10

chaos, yes she should've made sure he would react to such news about her OCD in adequate way. but she can't read minds, she just assumed he'd understand but as it comes from her FML, the trust she put into that guy, wasn't justified. as for comedic value of OCD.. it may even help people like me and like the OP to hide the rituals.. I explained it to Jane Doe below in comment thread.. people just think 'that girl is funny but weird/weird but funny' shrug and forget. that's good at some point but reading all these comments of people who think OCD is hilarious and who make up jokes about the disorder, is rather upsetting. comedic value at it's finest... okay, crybaby command rejected :)

mona_is_here 10

130, I like my temper hot but thanks for the advice. :)

russianspy1234 11

Doesn't matter if he was aware of what OCD really is or not, he was physically restraining her, hurting her, and laughing about it. This is not normal bevaior. FYL

jay4who7 she said touch everything twice. She may not have to compulsion to press every key twice. It is possible to touch the keys on a keyboard without actually typing anything, so she most likely did touch every key twice.

kerby8888 2

So, if you touch a hot stove (on accident) with one hand and you burn it, will you still touch the stove with your other hand?

he wasn't hurting her, he was joking around. my boyfriend held me down and restrained me from grabbing the remote to change the channel the other day.

Allymeme, play-fighting is one thing, but when you involve the OP's OCD, it becomes a little more complicated. I can understand that the boyfriend thought that's all it was, but if that were the case the OP does need to explain to him why she freaked.

ii hhaavvee tthhee ssaammee OOCCDD ccoonnddiittiioonn.

benny2465 0

haha lmfao I'm sorry that's hilarious

That's awful.. I would dump him. I have OCD similar to that, and it's absolutely terrible. It interferes with your daily life more than you can imagine. One of my OCD "routines" is when I touch something, I have to touch it again another 2, 4, or 8 times.. sometimes more, but it has to include those numbers. Unfortunately when I touch people, it usually ends in quite similar results to OP's. If you don't have OCD, you won't understand. If you don't touch or repeat whatever it is, you'll want to scream. It's strange how the brain is. My family often gets mad at me when I have to re-touch them, but, you know, you can't really help it. It's an urge that you just can't resist.

266 -- most people have compulsions of some sort, but there's a big difference between mild compulsions and true Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

yea ppl with OCD don't type as fast as u Mona. they have to touch each key with both hands

And the FML says she freaked, but he still held her down. He's an ass.

looool he's a champ he should have done it when ur giving him a handjob tho then u have to chase him to touch his dick

you people need to get over serioslybits not a major matter not like she is dying

109mona. you can't compare cancer to being OCD. it's not in the same category at all as OCD is you deciding to have the quarks and entertain them just as a fat person entertains eating unhealthy just as and underweight person chooses not to eat you then choose to do these rituals and the more you entertain it the worse it gets. I still agree going as far as holding her down may sound cruel, but we know one half of the story and we have no clue of his intentions. please understand OCD is curable as cancer is not and I hope you never have to entertain the idea of having cancer just to understand the point I am making

61 - How annoying would it be to HAVE to do that or freak out? You're feeling sorry for the wrong person.

dudeitsdanny 9

299- You're an idiot for comparing gluttony to a mental disorder. They can't help it. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes this. It can be treated, but it's still difficult to cope with. Have you ever dealt with someone who is truly OCD? My sister has OCD. At first, like an idiot, I wouldnt let her do her rituals if they involved me.. It was annoying. But you really don't know what these people have to deal with. It's not a matter of just not doing the rituals. It takes time, a lot of effort, and sometimes psychological treatment isn't enough and you have to take medication. OPs boyfriend is an ass, and there's no excuse for that. Everytime my sister steps on me or accidentally kicks me under the table I let her do it until she's okay. It's not a big deal to let someone you care about do something that doesn't hurt you, or that hurts them more if they don't. He wouldn't even let her touch him. Thats ****** up. Don't compare something like loving food to the point of gluttony to OCD. People can mentally restrain themselves from eating.. But how do you mentally restrain yourself when it's your mind doing this? You really don't get how hard this is on people who suffer from it until you see someone you love crying or in pain because of this.

I don't understand how this is being rated down.... I was responding to russianspy1234 post.

I respect your opinion but, the eating analogy was good. some people that have eating disorders have a chemical imbalance in their brain also. I think op's boyfriend meant nothing by it, so it's not a problem. I'm sure once he had his fun,

* she got to execute her OCD ritual. it's not the end of the world. it didn't harm her, he obviously didn't hold her down for hours. it was a joke.

luis_r96 4

I actually hav dat OCD also. But it's not that bad lol I Can control my self

blinkingstarlet 15

You do know that there is no cure for cancer, right? Along with everything else you stated being complete bullshit, I thought I'd throw that out there... Hopefully one day, for your sake, they cure Douchebag Syndrome.

#125 that's a smart question. I have symptoms of OCD and when I type a wrong letter I have to backspace it, type the right letter, backspace, the letter next to it that wasn't the first letter, backspace, the right letter, backspace, the original wrong letter, backspace, the other wrong letter next to the right letter, backspace, the right letter, continue typing. It's a long, annoying thing to do but I HAVE TO. sometimes it doesn't go EXACTLY like I described it, and I HAVE TO do it a bit differently. When I have some luck on my side, my mind doesn't MAKE ME type the letter a million f*cking times

AlternaBarbie, just because it was a joke doesn't make it okay. That's how bullying happens. The bully sees it as a joke or a prank while the victim sees it differently. That kind of shit can lead to some severe depression or, in extreme cases, suicide. Not so funny anymore right? I definitely see where you are coming from. I thought it was kind of funny too at first. But when you think about it, it can be damaging to OP, depending on how severe it is. I guess the lesson is to just be more conscientious and aware of people.

AmandaMontana 0

i mean, it's pretty funny. just not as funny as it could have been. i mean, when i started reading, i thought it was going to end in her boyfriend making her touch his wiener with one hand so she'd have to do it again with the other. personally, i find something like that waaaaaay funnier. but i guess this is okay, too. [:

Haha wow 102. I thought it was going to end by him breaking up with her. (:

MillerP 0

that really sucks! I have OCD too... I know how you feel :/

JayJayAttackAtta 5

102, your a bitch. I have OCD and I get teased so much about it! what if your child had OCD or was mentally ill? there's stuff to make fun of but disorders aren't one of those things.

mrKronZombie 1

I used to have the same problem she does not anymore I guess I found a way to control it

Your boyfriend is a douche. Make him an ex ASAP.

ipwnallmen 10

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11 - I see your point, but rather than kneeing him, why not punctuate the point for him? grab and crush his nuts with one hand, then do the same with the other.... I doubt he'll forget after that

wow everyone above me is a ******. get a sense of humor god dammit. did she die? no. did he physically hurt her? no. did he do anything other than attempt to show his gf that not satisfying her ritual wouldn't end in anything horrible? NO. so shut the **** up.

lucas755 1

That's a little extreme. I think dumping him would be enough.

11? You have issues. In a good way, though.


that's hilarious lol I would so do that

I have OCD.. not so extreme.. but i thought this was funny...

Sulkiva 2

I too have OCD, but not to that extent. OP your boyfriend is a jerk.

mona_is_here 10

5, showing your immaturity is no good.

mona_is_here 10

Not to that extent? Then are you sure it's OCD? Because I have OCD and it interferes with lots of things in my life. Tbh, it has become a part of my daily routine, like for instance, I drink coffee only from red cups, before going to bed I check it to see there's nothing weird in there; when I lock my iPhone I press the sleep mode button twice and so on and so on. I guess, that is a common case of OCD. If it doesn't bother you to live your normal life then it's obviously not a disorder.

mona_is_here 10

38, Not to that extent? Then are you sure it's OCD? Because I have OCD and it interferes with lots of things in my life. Tbh, it has become a part of my daily routine, like for instance, I drink my coffee only from red cups; before going to bed I check it to see there's nothing weird in there; when I lock my iPhone I press the sleep mode button twice and so on and so on. I guess, that is a common case of OCD. If it doesn't bother you to live your normal life then it's obviously not a disorder.

mona, is it something you can hide? My first thought was that either OP doesn't have it very badly, or it's a new boyfriend. I'd probably want someone to know that about me before committing, just to be fair to him. As for the definition of disorder, I think that has more to do with how your brain works than whether it interferes with your life. Even managed disorders are still technically considered disorders, I think.

mona_is_here 10

Jane, I'm sure trying to hide it from people, by now only my family and some close friends know about my OCD. But it's not thanks to my undercover skills lol, it's more because when I say something like 'No, I need to pour my coffee into THIS, not that cup' etc, most people think I'm just joking in my own weird way. Thanks to our country, not many people are well informed about psychic disorders, most of them don't even know the difference between psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist.

To learn about psychic disorders you need look no further than Mrs. Cleo. On the other hand, learning about psychological disorders is somewhat different. It doesn't help that they are commonly misrepresented in movies in television.

WallyTheWombat 0

Well Mona if you explained WHY you need to pour coffee into a certain cup, then people would know that you can't help it. if you just argue with them, then they think you're a nutcase. MOST people would be understanding about it, and if they aren't, then explain that it causes severe physically and mental distress to not perform your rituals. Even giving an example. Just telling someone you need something a certain way doesn't cut it; people like to know why. my friend is diagnosed with OCD. He needs to tap the door handle 5 times before entering a room (just 1 example). One April fools day, we took off all the door handles in his house. he found the prank funny because he knew it was just a prank. We don't make fun of him or single him out for it because he explained it to us and we understand what it's like for him. Most people would be understanding if you just explained why you do the things you do. most people can relate. we all have our weird little rituals that we do, and for a person without OCD, not doing them is just like not scratching an itch. You can do it, but it's just not comfortable. sorry for the long post.

mona_is_here 10

151, It's okay, I had no trouble with reading your post:) I explain it everytime people ask but I don't hurry to tell them promptly that I have OCD. The majority would ask what OCD is and it would lead to a long long conversation at the end of which they would either freak out and think I'm nuts or understand. I think the chances of the first option are much higher. So I just say in a semi-joking way 'I'm a weirdo, I have my own oddities' :) That's almost the truth but leaves you without chances of being considered as a freak.

I still think you're a freak. Biggest problem with OCD, too many people who think they have it and don't. I've run into to many camera to believe every person who says they have OCD, ADD, bi-polar. they're all just ways to get attention. I'm not saying no one has these disorders, but first impression is that it's almost always bullshit. Oh, and the first sentence was a joke, so don't get mad. lol

What did you mean by camera? I'm guessing it's an auto-correct typo; if not, please explain, because I'm not getting what you're saying.


sorry Mona I'm immature and proud

Mona: I have OCD that used to severely interfere with my life too. I used to wash my hands till they'd bleed, check my bed every night for spiders, have to touch everything evenly, and even chew food the same amount of times on each side of my mouth. Just because I taught myself to ignore the impulses doesn't mean I don't still have it. I'm not trying to be mean, I promise but there are so many immensely helpful treatments, therapy, and even medication. If your OCD is getting in the way of your everyday life that much, I really recommend it. It feels amazing when it no longer interferes with your life. it's hard to overcome but it will be very rewarding when you do. :)o

mona_is_here 10

278, lol I check my bed every night for spiders too! Guess, the rituals are somewhat similar in case of OCD.. I'm getting therapy (Zoloft and some benzodiazepines), my doctor said it would help but by now it only prevents me from inventing new rituals. Will live - will see. And for the guy who spoke about attention (sorry I dont remember the number of your post) - I hate it too when people self-diagnose themselves. You need a diagnosis, confirmed by a doctor.

MaximilianMarche 0

why only 10 cents? u should charge $100 :)

That's awesome to hear. It will get a lot better, I promise :)

WearingHats 14

Honestly I feel like Mona is milking the thread for pity comments. I have friends with OCD and they never complain about it, and it most definitely interferes with their lives.

That actually would be kind of funny! Nevertheless fyl

hahahaa aaah... you need help seriously.

my brother is the same exact way! I do it to gum sometimes it's pretty funny actually. but anyways OP that must have sucked

That is messed up. :( You should definitely have a serious talk with him. If he is going to be so immature about it, I would leave him.

Why would so many people say YDI? Clearly they know nothing about mental illnesses.

so... if you accidentally touch a strangers butt- do you have to do it again?

20waffleater10 0

#13 very funny, I applaud you *starts clapping*

_Vamp_ 9

HAHA! That's what I was thinking. But once she does it again, shouldn't she have to keep doing it? So she follows random strangers she accidentally touches and chases them home slapping them in the butt until the police finally restrain her.

2riteluvonherarm 0

what if she touched a women boob she would have to touch the other..! awkward.