Guns don't kill people, rappers do

By guns save lives, so does gun safety - 03/02/2023 10:00

Today, my girlfriend called me an "obsessive weirdo" for always checking the chamber on my handgun whenever I pick it up. The last time I let her touch it, she mishandled it and shot a hole in the floor. Glad she's learned her lesson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 840
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

buddy, you should get away from her before she accidentally blows someones brains out with your gun. and/or get rid of your gun, unless you actually have a valid reason why you need it.

A line from a Stephen King novella describes the perfect attitude to take involving firearms: "My dad would tell me to treat every gun as though the moment you take your eyes off of it, it loads itself."


buddy, you should get away from her before she accidentally blows someones brains out with your gun. and/or get rid of your gun, unless you actually have a valid reason why you need it.

A line from a Stephen King novella describes the perfect attitude to take involving firearms: "My dad would tell me to treat every gun as though the moment you take your eyes off of it, it loads itself."

Maybe "paranoid weirdo" might be a better fit.

Keep her away from firearms, yours, or any others.

And that’s the reason why we don’t need guns in a home.

Schm17ty 1

No more guns for her I hope! Maybe an actual gun safety certification course. A long one. And maybe some introductions to gunshot victims and gruesome pictures as well. And get a bulletproof vest when you go shooting?