By Anonymous - 13/07/2012 06:47 - United States - Spring

Today, my fiancé's grandmother kept trying to introduce him to this "simply absolutely amazing girl," who she thought "would be just the perfect date" for him. At our engagement party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 676
You deserved it 2 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did you say? I would have lost my shit.

randomthing 22

The worst thing that could happen would be your fiancé listening to her. Just ignore her :p


Can people please stop making this lame comment? An elderly person being rude doesn't automatically grant you power of attorney and the ability to have him/her committed to a home. It's too cliché to be clever and it's clearly not actual advice so just leave it off.

It really makes it hard for me to go by the whole ”respect your elderly” thing when I read FML's like this...I really shouldn't want to punch an old person so bad.

BunBunBabe 8

Some people just never give up. And old ladies can be stubborn as hell, just try to remember she doesn't know better than you or your fiancée

Wow his grandma must not like you at all.

Since it was an engagement party chances are this "simply absolutely amazing girl" probably wouldn't be so dumb as to follow along with the grandmother anyway. She is obviously aware your fiancé is engaged as she's at the party celebrating your engagement.

Some people just don't care about your marital/engagement status. But then again, if the woman didn't care about the fiance's marital status, that brings her status as a simply, absolutely amazing person into question...or maybe the grandma just meant " bed."

cherry72 13

Sounds like Alzheimer's. Which is not funny and a very sad thing. I have lost Grandparents both sides to it. This is an FHL for Grandma IMO.

alicat72998 0

Sounds like she has Alzheimer's. You can't really blame her. My great Grandma has it. I went to her house last week, and she gave me a tour of her house. She's lived in that house for 20 years..

You now know the pitfalls of hosting your engagement party at a speed dating service.

Tell her to stop it, or get the hell out of your lives! His gma or not, your his family now... And if she has an issue with that she needn't be a part of it...