By blonde moment - 23/06/2019 14:23

Today, while talking to a friend, I momentarily forgot the word for archery and instead called it, “Bow-and-Arrow Jutsu.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 227
You deserved it 557

Same thing different taste

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From now on, I will always call archery "Bow-and-Arrow Jutsu".


From now on, I will always call archery "Bow-and-Arrow Jutsu".

TxKitten79 10

Stuff like that happens to me. Ince my husband or friends laughingly give me the right word, I just say, "Yes! Thank you. Words hard."

fun fact a master of archery is referred to as a toxophilite

I’m laughing so hard. With my concussion my word loss is worse than normal from my meds. I’ve been coming up with good ones. But you have topped them all. Take a bow.

As a die-hard Naruto fan, I laughed at this so hard!