By Anonymous - 13/07/2012 06:47 - United States - Spring

Today, my fiancé's grandmother kept trying to introduce him to this "simply absolutely amazing girl," who she thought "would be just the perfect date" for him. At our engagement party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 676
You deserved it 2 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did you say? I would have lost my shit.

randomthing 22

The worst thing that could happen would be your fiancé listening to her. Just ignore her :p


Wow. Who was it? Your aunt? Obviously (no offense intended) his grandmother is losing her marbles.

Congrats OP on getting engaged! I hope your fiancé's grandmother realizes you two are sticking together and lets you two be happy.

It's pretty sad the gm has Alzheimer's.

Kick her out of the party. What she did is just unacceptable behaviour!

I guess the old girl just wanted to subtly point out that she doesn't approve of your fiancée's choice...

mollymayan 3

(-.-) Set her straight. Don't tolerate it or she'll never stop.

KLK1993 0

Hmm don't worry she's just some crazy lady

argybargy 3

Whether it was intentional on her part or not (I'm guessing not, but if I'm wrong, OP, set me straight), that sounds like senile dementia to me. Let it pass.

It depends on her state of mind some elderly as they get older they get a little crazier and forgetful so she may not be aware that she is doing anything wrong HOWEVER there are some who are very smart and very bright of she like that then she's a bitch but there isnt enough info to say which one she is and either way its FLM for the OP