By Joey - 06/02/2009 22:51 - United States

Today, my company hired a new guy to help on our project. My boss said that he would shadow me for the whole day so he could learn our system. At the end of the day my boss fired me, handed my company car keys and laptop to my "shadow for the day" right in front of me. My Mom picked me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 692
You deserved it 2 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a dick move. I hope you stole a lot of stuff.

Sorry for you man. Your boss is a ******' moron. Hope you'll find a new, better job.


That's a dick move. I hope you stole a lot of stuff.

Sorry for you man. Your boss is a ******' moron. Hope you'll find a new, better job.

that's how those tragedy we watch on tv happens, when someone try to kill everybody at the office. he could have been more human, but how we say here, the world keeps turning - one day he will pay for that.

Hey don't feel bad dude. You're young, and there are always great jobs out there for you. Honestly you should of trashed the place, I know I would have.

I feel you man. Hopefully, you can find another job and dont make the same mistakes that u've done in ur previous job.

quiksta 0

tell the people where your boss lives and works, what he drives, and the people shalt do your bidding for you

Well, the same thing is basically happening to me. I was told a new member would be joining my project team. My manager then scheduled a call with me Friday afternoon at 4 pm. She told me that new member would be replacing me on my project team. Then she told me she still wanted me to come into the client on Monday and Tuesday to give my laptop back and transition. First of all, my client is 2 hours away so i have to drive there. Secondly, Monday is Presidents day and all my other friends have off and are partying! FML!

minnie481 0

That is a little harsh. **** your bosses Wife I say.