By unlucky - 06/02/2009 22:40 - United States

Today, I noticed a prospective employer I had been networking with changed her last name on her e-mail signature. I wished the aquaintence congratulations on her new marriage. Her divorce was finalized this week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 689
You deserved it 25 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael: This is Jan Levinson-Gould. Jan: Just Jan Levinson. Michael: No Gould?


Michael: This is Jan Levinson-Gould. Jan: Just Jan Levinson. Michael: No Gould?

Haha I probably would've said the same thing XD

oh well I don't think she cared that much if u didnt know

Itzmeh 0

Woah your life must be so f***ed up because you wished someone goodluck on something that didn't turn out well! How can you live with yourself?

afallingstar 22 don't know the person so why the hell would you comment on their personal life

xcali_chicax 0

how is does this eff your life? It was an honest mistake.