By IntimidatorStag - 06/02/2009 23:54 - United States

Today, I gave my girlfriend some non-alcoholic beer as a joke. In slurred speech, she told me I have the body of a monk seal. She then took my keys, staggered to my car, and drove away. She crashed into a tree two blocks later. She's fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 340
You deserved it 30 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskeydick 0

who gets anything off of one beer anyway? if she was any more of a lightweight she'd float away.

it means that she thought she was drinking something alcoholic, and her being "drunk" was all in her head, although she still managed to do something stupid like crashing the OP's car.


at least u know she van be easily manuipulated

yeh i love to play people like that i once told someone i had the best kind of weed for him ... it was just tabacco but he had a awesome trip

martialart1st18 19

Your girlfriend is a ******* dumbass

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iloveyou1266 4

What's with you and rufies ?!


whiskeydick 0

who gets anything off of one beer anyway? if she was any more of a lightweight she'd float away.

Yea, non-alcoholic drinks still have alcohol just a lesser amount....if someone hasnt had much alcohol before then they could get a bit drunk off it...

crazycar 0

DItch the girl dude. It'll only get worse when she really drinks.

That's the funniest thing I have ever read! Thanks for making my day!

macfluffers 0