By NoBalls - 12/06/2009 00:23 - United States

Today, my car was in the shop so I borrowed my wife's VW Beetle convertible. It's really embarrassing because it's a girlie car and it's full of little stuffed animals. At a stop light a man asked me if I'd like to borrow one of his testicles because "every man should have at least one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 105 355
You deserved it 22 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That guy had THE BEST CALL EVER! .... you got owned, big time.

Lol, gotta appreciate the humor. :D


oh gender roles....the fact is that you do have testicles and something tells me that you use them frequently to have sex with your wife. so who cares. this is amusing, but only because societal norms are so ******* stupid. i bet that guy who said that to you had a bunch of viagra in his glovebox.

veliki 0

This is so ******* awesome!

LMAO. What a great line! You had to laugh. How could you get mad.

Rob731 0

Lmao, sounds like a pretty funny guy,atleast the Beetle isn't ur everyday car... so ur life aint really that ******

YDI for thinking there's something wrong with a car just because it's a little feminine and has your wife's stuffed toys in it.

I made an account just so I could comment on this post. BEST FML EVER. You know why? Because this is the shit you can't make up. Kudos, my friend.

Goosie 0

ahahahahahaaaaa!!! that guy is awesome! he and i would definitely be friends

I would of replied seductively in a stereotypical gay voice "you can give it to me any time" and winked. Haha glad you are fortunate enough to have two cars