By NoBalls - 12/06/2009 00:23 - United States

Today, my car was in the shop so I borrowed my wife's VW Beetle convertible. It's really embarrassing because it's a girlie car and it's full of little stuffed animals. At a stop light a man asked me if I'd like to borrow one of his testicles because "every man should have at least one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 105 355
You deserved it 22 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That guy had THE BEST CALL EVER! .... you got owned, big time.

Lol, gotta appreciate the humor. :D


Hahaha! That's great! At least it isn't your only car! LOL!

That guy is hilarious! Why didn't you just put the stuffed animals in the trunk or throw them into the back seat, so they cannot be seen?

kellster 2

Hahahahahaha! Your wife sounds like the lame one, with her stupid car and stuffed animals - you'd think she was four! But that guy, jerk though he was, made me lol for sure. :P

Haha, you should have pulled a Chandler from Friends and stuck a giant toy battleship on the dashboard to make yourself feel better.

hahaha wow, that guys is funny :) but i would have to agree if i were that man. hey, hows about next time you take the stuffed animals out of the car when you go to drive it. just a suggestion, i dont want you to get made fun of lmao.

Lmao at #9. Personally, I can't stand it when people have all these stuffed animals over the dashboard. Just seems childish to me.

FrankieTheNimrod 0

That's hilarious. I'm sorry you had to drive your wife's car, but hey, you know, he was nice enough to offer. =D

ROFL. That dude's my hero. I dunno what's wrong with a VW beetle tho.. I mean yeah, it's a little tiny car. At least it's not a Mini Cooper or something.

That sucks for you, but that guy's line was awesome. :)