By vee2013 - 26/04/2014 04:22 - Canada - London

Today, I finally decided to do something productive and clean my room. When I went to pick up the first thing off my floor, I hit my head on my desk and gave myself a concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 208
You deserved it 6 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish I had such excuses against cleaning my room... Or was this your plan all along? Cunning, I like it!


It's a sign you should clean your room another day

No, that's a sign you should never clean your room

Well you tried, many have walked the path of productive-room-tidying, and many have failed...

I wish I had such excuses against cleaning my room... Or was this your plan all along? Cunning, I like it!

On the bright side, you don't have to clean your room anymore.

daydreamer244 13

Sounds like something I would do....being clumsy sucks....I feel ya OP.

Bringing laziness to a new level. Good job, OP.

Vanshikap 24

Haha. OP its a sign. ur room doesn't want to be cleaned. give up now,before you get hurt worse.