By Sucks2suck - 20/11/2018 05:00

Today, I received an invitation to my ex’s wedding. We were dating for three years and just broke up four months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 107
You deserved it 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15
sublimechica4 7

Sounds like he is an I'm mature one, just trying to piss you off. Does he have several children with several baby Mama's? I've seen that happen way to much! I'm sorry sweetie, good luck!


sublimechica4 7

Sounds like he is an I'm mature one, just trying to piss you off. Does he have several children with several baby Mama's? I've seen that happen way to much! I'm sorry sweetie, good luck!

Boyufd 24

A) it's immature B) OP never stated if they ex were male or female

whiskey'swino 15

Wow. OP, keep your head high - my best guess is he's rushing into this, the invitation is clearly sent out just to agitate you. But it's him who will be married to a person he's most likely just with out of spite, not you. Can you RSVP to his new girl? Because I'd be curious if she's aware of the invitation - either she doesn't, or she's in with him on that rather childish plan to get under your skin. Either way, turn around and don't look back. Whatever mess they're getting themselves into, it's gonna be their mess. Take care of yourself.

That'd be even worse. But I suppose there's people out there who like to rub things under other people's noses.

Mungolikecandy 19

Either he was a cheating or he rebounded like a rubber ball.

He moved on pretty quickly, or he already dating someone while y'all was together.

onceuponatime456 16

Sounds to me like you dodged a bullet! You got to miss years of mental health problems!

TxKitten79 10

Was it a bad breakup? Or a mutual parting of ways? If the first, just maturely RSVP that you wont be attending and leave it at that. If it's the second, just RSVP and leave it at that. I really dont get why this is an FML unless you're not over him (or her).

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

If they’ll cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you!

So tell me... why didn't you want to get married? Another "half story" where the "poor" OP seems like the victim. Clearly he was ready to take it to the next level and didn't want to **** around, but you had other plans and he got tired of waiting.